Wednesday, May 28, 2014



Losing weight is hard.  There I said it!  I know!  I know!  When people are losing weight, especially a lot of weight, some of them act like they never eat badly, they never do everything wrong, it’s just so easy peasy.  Sometimes they may even make you feel like they are judging you because you have not been “perfect”. 

Well, I’ll tell you, that is a big FAT lie!  Sure some days do not take effort.  Sometimes you don’t even think about food or eating.  But other days, well, it is all you think about.   If losing weight were so easy peasy, wouldn’t we have all accomplished our goals the first time we tried?  Or the 10th time?  Or the 100th time?  Don’t embrace those that would thwart your efforts.  If you eat something you shouldn’t or eat too much, just remember, it isn’t a failure unless you stay where you are.  Get back up and keep moving forward!

Here are the things that you need to do if you want to lose weight and some of these make losing weight much easier.

1.      Eat whole foods.  Cook at home.  When you eat out, you don’t know what they add to your food that pumps up the calories.

2.      If you tend to overeat, then portion your food out.  When it is gone, it is gone.

3.      Stay away from processed food.  Start looking at labels.  First of all, the best food are the ones with one ingredient, like vegetables, fruits, etc.  When you look at a label, what are the first three ingredients?  If you don’t know what any of those are, pass it by.

4.      Drink water.  Your body is 60% water.  If you get to the point of feeling thirsty, you are already de-hydrated.  Water helps with digestion; helps your bowels to move, helps your skin look better and feel better.  You cannot live without water.  It’s the best thing you can drink.

5.      Find activities that do not include food.  You can go to the movies and not buy anything to eat.  Theaters have convinced us that movies just aren’t the same without food.  Lol  Try it!  Instead of celebrating an occasion by going out to eat, go bowling, or miniature golfing.  Leave the food for your mealtime.

6.      Have healthy snacks already made up and available for those times you want to gnaw your hand off!  J  We’ve all been there!

7.      Start moving!  You don’t have to run a marathon or walk a 5K.  Just start moving.  Whatever movement you choose or for how long, it will help your body.   Start with 5 minutes a day.  Increase 5 minutes a day every week.  In 6 weeks you will be exercising 30 minutes a day.  And here’s a little secret:  When you start moving (or exercising) your brain releases endorphins which make you feel good.  You start to enjoy moving and want to do it more.  Oh, and here is another idea:  When you go shopping, don’t spend your time looking for a parking space right by the door.  Park at that back.  Every little bit helps.

8.      No matter what struggles you have with your weight loss program, use this as your mantra:  I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! 

9.       I know I can do this!  You can do it too!  I want to stop feeling like that hamster on the wheel of dieting.  I want off!  I want to be healthy and live healthy.  I’m determined to make this my last weight loss journey.  If I falter, I will get back up.  I refuse to listen to anyone who tries to put me down or keep me from reaching my goals. 

I know what my goal is and I am focused.

Watch out baby, I’m in this to the end!

Copyrighted 2014
caryn Cannatella

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