Monday, May 19, 2014



I’ve been thinking about sharing this with you guys for a while now.  I’m a liar.  Yep, when it comes to food and being honest, well, I’m just not.

As many of you know, I'm on Skinny Fiber and I am doing well.  But I realized I could be doing better.  If I would just make a few changes, I could lose a lot more weight!

I don’t keep a food journal because I figure if I don’t write it down, then it doesn’t count.  Oh, I know intellectually it counts.  But somewhere in my brain, I’ve convinced myself that it’s like a magic eraser if it isn’t written down.

I have lost a lot of weight the past 6 months but I could have lost more.  I know I would probably have lost at least another 20 pounds.  The first month I was losing I probably ate at least one bag of hot peanuts every day.  Some days two.  That’s at least 400 calories.  Almost a pound a week I could have lost.  I comforted myself by reminding myself that peanuts are protein.  They are also fat but who cares about all the details?  Two pkgs of peanuts a day means I could have lost another 20.8 pounds. 

This year I started looking at what I’m really eating.  Not what I want people to think I eat.  By lying to myself I realize that the only person it hurts is me.  Now, I don’t think there is anything wrong with having peanuts every now and then…just not every day a couple times a day!

One reason I make my meals ahead of time is because I no longer recognize the signals that I’m full.  I portion out my breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If I stick with those, I’m fine.  When I eat out, I always have a to go box brought to me with my meal.  I eat half and take the other half home for another meal. 

My problem comes in if I just take a bite of something.  You know….graze a bit.  And that one bite, is suddenly two or three.  Your mind tricks you into thinking it doesn’t count.  It does count and can have an effect on your weight loss.  I know it does for me.

My most difficult time is in the evening.  I love to eat at night and alone.  I have frequently called food my secret lover.  Don’t want to share with anyone or even let them know I have this lover.  It’s mine.  All mine.  I don’t have to share it.  No one knows about it.  But just like a secret lover, I know the truth.  And I’m the only one that can bring it into the light and change it.  Since I know this is my weakness, I’ve decided to go back to my protein shake before bedtime.  It tastes like a milkshake, full of protein and helps keep my blood sugar stable.

Here’s my plan:
1.       Meals are portioned ahead of time, even when eating out.
2.      Keep no food  in the house that might interfere with my weight loss.
3.      Snacks are limited to my protein shakes or Atkins snacks. 

I’m committing myself to doing this for the next 7 days!  I’ll report in with my struggles and success.

Losing weight is hard.  Skinny Fiber does help me a lot but you still have to be committed to healthy eating and refraining from over eating.  Anyone who says or thinks that losing weight is easy, has never lost weight through changing their eating.  I know this time I am going to make it to my goal.  But there are still those times when I think….what if I fail again?  I try to stay focused and keep my eye on my goal. 

I’m going to make it to my goal and I hope all of you will be right here with me!

#weightloss @loseweight #gethealthy #get fit!

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