Sunday, May 25, 2014



When we think about change, we usually think in terms of big things:  losing weight, getting out of debt, getting a divorce, etc.   Small changes are just as important.

One of the best changes I made in my life was almost 4 years ago.  I decided I was going to make my bed up every day.  I had never done that in my adult life!  I made a rule that if I got out of bed to do anything, I was making it up.  I can’t tell you how much I love getting into a made bed at night.  It just makes me feel better.  I think it even helps my sleep.
Have you made a change in your life that might not seem big to others but is a big change for you?  If you have, share it with us:  why you made the change, how you did it and how it has helped in your life.

copyrighted 2014

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