Monday, May 26, 2014



When you are overweight you rarely see your body, especially without clothes.  We tend to ignore our bodies and just look at our faces.  Some of US only look at our eyes.  I used to be one of those people.  I knew I had beautiful blue eyes and no one could ever say anything bad about my eyes.

The other day I was in the bathroom at work and, don’t ask me why, pulled my top up to look at my torso.  I was looking at it and there was this pouch of fat in the center but not as much.  What really got me was there were these deep creases on either side of the pouch.   To be honest it looked a bit weird. 

I knew it must not be serious because I applied my theory of diagnosis.  You know, if you have the same thing on both sides of your body, it might not be fine but you know it’s not serious.  Now if it is just on one side of your body, then you probably need to visit your dr. 

Ok, so I just stood there staring at my torso with the two deep creases.  I ran my fingers through the creases.  Wait a minute.  It’s really hard in the ceases.  Soft in the pouch; hard in the creases.  I pressed down very hard in the creases.  Hard as a rock. 

And then it hit me.  I have muscles that I can feel!  There really are muscles underneath the padding of flesh.  When I put my fingers in the creases and flex, I can feel my muscles contracting.  I’m going to start exercising my abs so that when I have surgery, my six pack will already be there.  How cool is this?

So, I just wanted to share that yes, even under a thick layer of fat, there are still muscles just waiting to someday be noticed!  I noticed and I’m going to work hard to free you and let you out!  P.S. (Maybe I’ll take a picture so you can see this on my body!)

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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