Friday, May 23, 2014



We have all had hurts in our lives.  Sometimes we think we are the only people in the world who have been through what we have.

Some of us have had worse things happen to us than others.  Sometimes we think they are worse than everyone else until.  Yep, until we meet someone who has been through worse.

I ran a hot line back in the 80's and 90's for people who had survived extreme abuse.  I would listen to their stories and thank God that I had not lived it.  Every time I listened to a caller I would think, "I'd rather have lived my life."   

And you know what happened?  I begin to heal.  Slowly but surely, I begin to heal.  I finally got to the point that I was able to forgive those who had hurt me so deeply.  Now, I'm not saying that I wanted them in my life but I was able to wish them well, hope they were happy and MOVE ON!

You will never have a great present or future unless you let go of the past.  Once you deal with whatever it is, put it away.  I compare it to placing it in a box, putting the lid on it and shoving it into a dark corner of my memory.  Oh, it's still there if I want to go back through it.  I have just found that I rarely ever want to anymore.

Forgiveness isnt about doing something for the person you are forgiving.  It's about doing something for YOU.  When you forgive someone, you free yourself completely. 

If you are having problems letting go of past hurts and forgiveness, you need to print this tag out and put it on your bathroom mirror.  Read it everyday.  One day, you will realize that you are letting go.  When that happens, you are on your way to forgiveness.

Try it.  I have and it has changed my life!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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