Friday, December 19, 2014



If you are lucky enough to get a Christmas bonus at your job, be grateful. Even more than that, tell your boss or bosses THANK YOU and tell them how much it means to you.

Did you know that many people who get that bonus every year never even say thank you? I can't even imagine. Christmas Bonuses are GIFTS. You don't really earn it. Whatever you get is more than you had.
I have gotten bonuses that ranged from $25 to thousands. I was just grateful for the $25 as I was for the thousands.

Appreciate your Christmas bonuses. Your company doesn't have to give them and isn't obligated to give them. If you work for a small company, those bonuses come out of your boss' pocket. It is his/her money and they choose to give it to you at Christmas.

So, if you got one or you get one, take 30 seconds and tell the person who made it happen Thanks you. If you can't tell them in person, call them. If you can't call them, then text or email them. I'm telling you that it will mean so much to them.

Gratitude is a way of life!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber Sales:

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