Wednesday, December 31, 2014



What a blessed year 2014 was for me.  My kids, Ashlie and Cody are both doing great!  They are really becoming grown-ups!  I look at them and remember where I was at their age and I'm just amazed by their progress!  They are doing great.

I paid my house off this year.  Yippee!  What a feeling of freedom!  I upgraded my car from a 2006 to a 2011 with very few miles.  And I was able to do it with cash.  Yeah baby! 

I will be completely debt free in 4 weeks.  I have the money to pay off my last two bills but I want to pump up that emergency fund a little more. 

I was able to reduce my work week from 5 days a week to 3 days a week.  And I'm not even 62 yet!  My golden years are financially secure even if I live 25 more years (Ok, The Buddhist monk says I have 29 more!).

I've continued to lose weight this year with Skinny Fiber.  I started jogging and completed my first 5K.  More weight loss and jogging in 2015 with yoga added.

I have good friends who are my family.  I have kids I love and adore.   I love them with all my heart.  Everyone is healthy and doing well.

Here are some things I tell my kids that I have learned:

Pay God first.
Pay yourself next.
Live below your means.
Save money for your future.  In your 20's, 30's, 40's and even your 50's, you just don't believe that 60 is really coming.  It does and in your head you are yelling I'M ONLY 25!  Be prepared.

One of my mother's favorite sayings that i have passed on:  Live like you will die tomorrow.  Plan like you will live forever.  Wise words.

Now, I'm not saying that my life in 2014 was all balloons and flowers.  It wasn't.  There have been days and still are that were hard and filled with tears.  I just choose to focus on my blessings.  And my blessings are overflowing!  Every day.  Every week.  Every month.  Every year.

Decide to make changes in 2015 that will have positive effects on your life in the present and in the future.  A year from now you will be amazed how far you have come and how quickly it has gone by!

To all my Facebook friends, online and off, I am hoping for you that 2015 will be YOUR year! 

Happy New Year!  Make 2015 the ride of your life!  I plan to!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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