Wednesday, December 17, 2014



Even with Skinny Fiber, the past few months have been tough for me on this last weight loss journey.  My weight fluctuates always so I don’t pay much attention to the scales.  I pay attention to my clothes.   They seem to fit about the same but I don’t feel the same.

I feel bloated.  I feel unhealthy.  I feel fat.  I feel tired.  Nothing I am currently feeling is a good feeling. 

This weekend I decided to take stock of what was going on in my life and what I was and wasn’t doing to reach my goals.

Here are my reasons, which we all know are just excuses.   My ex died in August and it has really affected me much more than I thought it would.  I was in a car wreck in October.  I was restricted from jogging for almost 2 months.  I’ve been sick for the past 3 weeks.  It’s Thanksgiving.  It’s the holidays.  I’m busy.  I changed my schedule at work.  I guess I could add that we had rain some days.  Some days it was cold.  Some days it was hot.   There is always an excuse isn’t there?

So Sunday after the football game (Go Texans!), I decided to really think about what was going on.  Where had I gotten off track?  Here is what I realized.

1.      I wasn’t limiting my carbs like I had been.  Might explain why my blood sugar has increased.
2.      I wasn’t drinking 10 bottles of water a day.   Some days I was only getting in 4 bottles.  Not nearly enough for a big girl like me.
3.      I wasn’t eating enough protein.  I need protein 3 times a day, minimum!
4.      Some days I had forgotten to take my evening Skinny Fiber.  If you only take it half the dosage, it’s only going to work half as well.
5.      I was comforting myself with food again.  When you are eating and not paying attention to what or how much you are eating, that is for comfort.  No different than a baby with a pacifier.
6.      I stopped moving much at all.
7.      I stopped preparing my weekly meals on the weekend.
8.      I stopped portioning my food.
9.      I started drinking diet sodas again.  Not a lot but more than 2-3 a week.  Nothing wrong with a soda every now and then but let’s face it, folks, they are really bad for you.  And they are full of sodium which bloats you!

I had my answer.  When I was losing, the magic was ME.  When I stopped losing, the problem was ME.  Oh, the magic is still there.  I just chose to ignore it.  For awhile.

Sunday after the game, I cooked my breakfasts, lunch and dinners for the upcoming week.  No thought or preparation needed when thinking about eating.  Everything is portion controlled.

Monday I drank my protein shake when I woke up.  Two hours later I ate my egg muffins.  5 hours later I ate my meat muffin.   For dinner I had a bowl of chili.  And for a snack, another protein shake.  And it was all under 1500 and very few carbs.   I also pushed my water intake back up to 8 bottles. 

I slept so well last night.  I don’t think I woke up even once.  When I did wake up, I felt great.  I was ready to get up, get dressed and get moving.  I have felt energized all day!  I know by the end of the week, I won’t feel bloated anymore.  My system will be corrected.  I’ll be back moving come Thursday.  My body will be happy and so will I.

I could have given up.  In the past I would have.  Not this time.  I have come too far to turn back now.  If you are struggling and feeling like you have failed in your weight loss journey, you haven’t.  It’s just a set-back unless you decide to quit.  Re-commit.  Re-focus.  Remind yourself why you started this journey.

Come get back on your program with me.  Order your Skinny Fiber and commit to making 2015 your year of reaching your weight loss goals!  I have!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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