Wednesday, December 17, 2014



I do!

For those who know me well, they know that I am a miracle believer.  This is especially true when I have lost something.  I am known for calling things back to me.  Yep, that's what I do.  I send the message out into the universe that I need whatever it is I am missing to be returned to me.  And I thank God for returning it to me.

It's weird how it works.  In fact, I don't really understand how it works.  I just know it does.  Yes, people laugh at me.  Some scowl or become sarcastic when I suggest they try it instead of getting mad.  It's such an easy way to relieve stress over something you have no control over.

I told my online friends about a situation that happened last Friday.  My son, Cody, and I cashed his paycheck at the bank.  Because he has no account, it is processed through my account, which necessitates both of us sending in our drivers licenses.  Normally, the first thing I do before counting the money is get the licenses and we put them back in our wallets.  This time Ashlie was with us, we were all talking and having fun so all I did was count that big fat envelope of money.

Later when I was putting his money away, I realized the licenses were not there.  The next morning I returned to the bank.  My regular teller told me that our licenses weren't in the box of others.  I was really upset.  This would necessitate both of us going down to the DPS, standing in line, waiting for hours, paying again, just to get our licenses.

And then something happened.  I got home from work yesterday and mixed in with all the junk mail was a very small envelope addressed to me.  My name was written just like it appears on my driver's license.  I opened that little white envelope and both of our licenses fell out.  Nothing else was inside.  The return address was nowhere near the bank and we hadn't left the car after leaving the bank.

Coincidence?  I don't believe in them.  Miracles?  I believe in with all my heart.  Although these occurrences no longer surprise me, I am still always in awe.  This isn't a rare thing.  It's a pattern.  And I'm so grateful to have these miracles in my life.   I know it isn't the kind of miracle like a blind man seeing or a man rising from the dead.  But it is a miracle.  And every time it happens, my faith is once again bolstered.

It always reminds me that miracles usually happen because someone listened to the voice of God and performed an act of kindness for another person.

Could you be someone's miracle today?  I bet you could.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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