Wednesday, December 17, 2014



Let's talk about portion control!  One of the main problems with being on a weight loss program is that we think we are eating less than we truly are.

This is the reason I have to portion my food out.  In my mind and my eyes I think 1 cup is a bowl full, which is usually 2-3 cups.  Get you a plastic container that holds one cup.   It's not a lot of food!  So let's say you fix hamburger helper for dinner.  If there are two of you, it should be enough for 2 meals!  I KNOW!  HOW CAN THAT BE????

Well, here's the deal.  When you eat that one cup of whatever, you should be adding things to it as sides.  Like a small salad.  Add some roasted, grilled, boiled or steamed veggies.  Throw in a piece of wheat bread and a bottle of water.  You will have a satisfying meal that is low on calories, and is portion controlled.

It's really the same for everything we eat.  Especially the stuff we just love to eat with no thought to the calories or portion size.  I tell you.  I have eaten a family size bag of chips in 2-3 settings.  When you check the servings per bag, it's like 10-15!   WHOA!  If I eat them all in the morning, I am way over the calorie count for the day.  And that's not even considering the carb content!

There truly is nothing most of us can't eat.  We just have to learn to do it in moderation.  That is very difficult for me.  I eat mindlessly.  Sometimes I don't think I even taste the food.  Sometimes I don't even particularly care for the food.  That's why I have to portion my food.

There is nothing wrong with candy, cake, cookies, etc.  You just have to say ONE cookie instead of a dozen!  Or ONE piece of fudge instead of 6 pieces and licking the pan too!

It's tough!  I know from my own experiences.  It's tough staying with portion control when some things taste so good you wish you could eat it all.  And I admit it, sometimes I have!

Make a promise to yourself to really find out what a portion size is for the things you put in your mouth.  And then for a week, stick to portion sizes and add healthy side dishes to complete and complement your meals.

I'm betting you will find what I have.  You lose weight when you do!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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