Tuesday, December 9, 2014



This is something I have struggled with most of my life.  How can I take good care of my body when I hate it so much?  Throughout my life it has betrayed me, kept me a prisoner, and made my life miserable.

One day I decided to write down a list of the things my body has done for me during my life.  I was amazed.  My body has been very good to me even when I haven’t been good to it.  It has protected me when I couldn’t protect myself.  It has kept me healthy through the years.

Don't get me wrong.  There are still things I just can’t stand about my body.  But I do remind myself of how strong my legs are when I complain about my upper arms.  I still despise that turkey gobbler that now hangs under my chin.   But it does give me something to play with when I'm sitting at my desk!  lol 

I've always enjoyed very good health.  I know that part of this is just good genes.  However give credit where credit is due!  I have not taken the best care of this aging body!  If it were a car, it would have been junked years ago due to upkeep and maintenance.  I couldn’t even have gotten much just for parting it out!

If you hate your body, take a few minutes to think about how your body has helped you through the years.  You will be surprised.  And then decide to start liking your body even if it is just one or two parts at first.  Who knows?  Maybe someday you will begin to truly love your body and develop a healthy relationship with it. 

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:  www.caryncann.com

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