Friday, December 19, 2014



I wanted to share something with ya'll. Today I was at the bank cashing a check. I watched an old man (he might have been younger than me but he looked tired and old). He was bent over and using a cane. He was clean and carrying a back pack. I don't know about where you live but if you see an adult carrying a backpack in Houston, they are usually homeless and carry everything they own in that backpack.

I watched him walk through that strip parking lot picking up trash and putting it in the garbage. When I finally got my cash, I decided to drive over and talk to him. I got out of the car and said hello. He said, "I don't mean to bother anyone, ma'am." I told him that he wasn't bothering me.

I said, "I noticed you were picking up garbage and putting it in the trash can." He said, "Well, you know people just throw trash everywhere these days." I said, "I really appreciate it and I want to give you this gift card to go across the street and get you something to eat and I want to give you this cash for Christmas."

He was sitting on the curb when he looked up at me, with tears in his eyes and said, "Thank you so much. I'm a veteran waiting on my disability."

I had actually cashed my weekly allowance for twice what I usually make it out for so I went back to the car and got more money to give to him. I told him, "I have had a very good year and I want to share it with you." He said, "How did you know?" "God told me."

This old, tired, veteran of our armed forces put his head in his hands and cried so hard his shoulders shook. I thanked him again and wished him a Merry Christmas. Several minutes later I was on the street at the traffic light and I glanced over and saw him where I left him. His head was still in his hands and his shoulders were still shaking.

So why am I sharing this? Because there are many people out there who just need a little help. We all hear about the spirit of Christmas but too often it seems to be centered around what we buy as gifts or what we get as gifts. These people are invisible to most of us all year long. Find someone who needs a little help this Christmas and just help them. It doesn't have to be a lot. It doesn't even have to be money. It could be a blanket, some gloves, a coat you don't wear. You will feel the love emanate from that person.

Make the Christmas Spirit come alive this year. It will make your Christmas so special.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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