Wednesday, December 3, 2014



How many times have your seen others, or even yourself, decide that if you can just change your scenery, or location, that your life will somehow magically become different?

I know most of us have experienced it a time or two.  For some of us, it is a way of life.  We may say, “I know that change comes from within” but we really believe that it is that new man/woman, that new house, that new city, that new job that is really going to affect the change.

It doesn’t.  No matter where you go, who you are with, or what you are doing, the one constant is YOU.  If you are always looking for love, you will be looking for it wherever you go.  If you are always lonely, you will still be lonely in a group of people.  If you are wishing for a change in your life, you will still be wishing whether you live in the States or in Russia.  If you don’t have friends, chances are that wherever you live, you won’t have friends.

Why?  Because it truly is about YOU.  You are the common denominator.  You are the same wherever you are, wherever you run, wherever you hide.  If you want to see changes in your life, then the change you have to make first is YOU.   You don’t have to do an extreme makeover.  Start small. 

I see so many women who believe their worth is totally dependent on whether they have a man in their life.  The end result is that they are in a new relationship about every 4 months, cry and moan when it ends, and wonder why it never works out.  The person they really need to depend on for their worth is themselves.  No one can give you what it takes to feel worthy.  It comes from within and that is where the change has to happen.

If you are lonely and don’t have friends, pick one hobby and make an effort to attend a function once a week or every two weeks to be around others who enjoy the same hobby.  Smile.  Make the first move and introduce yourself.  With each step you take, your confidence will take root and bloom. 

To manifest a true change in your life, you have to start with yourself.  Other people may encourage you in changing but only you have the power to initiate it and see it through.

With each tiny movement forward, you will see the change more clearly.  If you choose not to change, then you will be where you are.  No matter where you go.  It really is true:  Wherever you go, there you will be.  Decide what you that will be.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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