Saturday, November 22, 2014



Here is a story from my overnight trip with my best friend, Marisela.
We stopped at a local restaurant in Navasota, TX to eat. Marisela had eaten there before and said the food was great. It wasn't fancy. The chairs were hand made. The floors were painted and chipped. There were two pictures painted on opposing walls that I would call true folk art. It was owned and run by a local family. There were about 5 people working there.
We hadn't eaten since last night so of course we ordered way too much food. One of our appetizers was jalapeno poppers. After about 45 minutes one of the guys came out and told us there was a mistake on the menu. They werent jalapeno poppers; they were jalapeno hush puppies. We said that was ok since I had ordered catfish. Then we giggled and said, "it's gonna be awhile before we eat." About 10 minutes later, the same guy comes out and says, "we aren't gonna charge you but we know you have waited a long time so here are the jalapeno hush puppies. We hope you like them."
There are 5 or 6 round crusty things on the plate with a sauce. Marisela says, "I don't think those are hush puppies." Or maybe I said it. What were these? We took a bite of them and they were deep fried slices of zucchini! We started laughing again. BUT! They were homemade and delicious.
At this point Marisela starts laughing and says "Oh, I remember something about this place. It took forever to get the food." What? You forgot that? lolol
Now, I have to tell you. We werent the only people in the restaurant waiting for food. I think there were at least 5 other people/parties. After we finished the zucchini, they bring out the other appetizer we had ordered. Well, if looks could have killed, we would have been roadkill!
hahaha That made us laugh again. People were glaring at us. I swear one old cowboy in sneakers actually changed his seat so he could sit and stare at us. I could just imagine this scene: "Yes Officer, I beat them both with those twisted french fries and I'd do it again!"
After about an hour we received our lunch. Catfish and Chicken tenders. And Onion Rings. Now let me tell you! Nothing and I mean nothing we ate was frozen.
Everything they served us was peeled, dipped, coated and deep fried back in the kitchen. I wish you could have all tasted it. In fact, we brought most of the main course home with us. We will be lucky if we get to eat any of it after our kids find the food.
Yes we were there over an hour longer than we planned to be but we weren't on a time clock. We were enjoying the local color of Navasota. It was a great time and a great meal that was cooked with love.
Like Henson Cargill sang over 40 years ago, sometimes you gotta stop and smell the roses. And if you happen to prick your finger with a sticker, find the humor in it and make a memory.

copyright 2014
caryn cannatella 

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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