Saturday, November 22, 2014



Today is National Adoption Day.  People who adopt are not special people.  They are not altruistic.  We are just everyday people like you.  Whatever our reasons for adopting, please know this:  OUR CHILDREN ARE NOT THE LUCKY ONES.  WE ARE!

My body betrayed me at 33 and I ended up having to have a hysterectomy.  All I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a mommy.  And in November 1985, that all came crashing down around me.  I felt like that was never going to happen to me.  In fact, I had agencies tell me and Jim that we would never be able to adopt.  The said Jim was over 40, I was fat and Jim had been an alcoholic.  My dream of being a mommy died that day.  Or so I thought.

And then....7 years later my first angel entered my life and placed my daughter Ashlie into my arms.  I cannot tell you how my heart almost exploded with love that day.  A year and a week later, another angel placed my son Cody into my arms.  And my dream was complete.

If you marry someone or are married to someone or are considering marrying someone that cannot produce a biological offspring, just know that a baby or child who comes to you through adoption is a baby who grew in your heart instead of in your (your wife's) tummy.    They just took a detour to get to you.

The greatest gifts I ever received were my children, Ashlie and Cody.  And I am forever indebted to the two women, Carolena and Veronica, who allowed me the privilege of being mom to my two amazing children.

Adoption is a blessing.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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