Sunday, November 16, 2014



October 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln, set aside the 4th Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed upon this Nation and her people by God, the creator.

This day has always represented a time for families to gather together and enjoy their bounty as a family.    It’s a day to step away from work, jobs, stress, etc.  and enjoy the time spent with family and friends being thankful for all the blessings in our lives.

The first 20 years I was married, my family was my husband, Jim, and myself.  Some years we spent with extended family, sometimes with friends.  Often it was just the two of us but it was still a day of being together, away from our jobs and enjoying that day of just being together.

When Ashlie arrived in August, 1992, I decided that we would have our first full blown Thanksgiving dinner.  Every year since, I have spent 3 days getting ready for our Thanksgiving meal.  What started out as a huge meal that provided leftovers for days has now become a meal that is just enough for lunch and dinner.   Although the homemade dinner is great, the food is not the important thing.   It’s having us all sitting at the dining room table, having everyone share what they are so thankful for this past year and just getting to spend time with family and friends.

I understand that there are people who will always have to work on Thanksgiving.  First responders and health care workers are needed and are critical to have on this day, like any day.  There are industries that require 24 hour employees.  However, most of these companies work to make sure that their employees have either lunch or dinner to be with their families. 

Now, in our beautiful country, the United States, a new trend is happening.  Retail stores have decided to be open on Thanksgiving.  There is no reason for this decision other than greed.  Don’t their employees deserve to have this day off to spend with their families?  Is the CEO of Sears, Walmart, Target, ToyRUs, Kmart, JC Penneys, just to name a few, going to be working on Thanksgiving?  Or is he or she going to be sitting around the Thanksgiving table with his/her family & friends laughing and giving thanks for their blessings?  Couldn’t they remember to give thanks for their employees and decide that they, too, deserve to have this National Holiday off with their family and friends?

I hope these CEO’s will put profit aside for this one day and show their gratitude for all of their employees who work every day.  Give them this Thanksgiving Day off so they can celebrate with their family just like you CEO’s are.

And you can help this happen.  Stay home on Thanksgiving Day!  Refuse to shop these retailers on our National Holiday of Thanksgiving.   There is nothing you buy on Thursday that you can’t buy on Friday.   If the stores are empty on Thanksgiving, the CEO’s will get the message.    If you choose to go out after you stuffed your belly and participate in this, then you, my friend, are just like the CEO’s.  And who knows, maybe next year your employer will decide that you don’t need your Thanksgiving off and will keep your place of employment open.  Will that be when you decide it’s wrong?

The choice is yours.  Let’s keep our tradition of Thanksgiving what it was meant to be.  A day of family and friends enjoying being together with food made with love and the sharing of blessings and thanksgiving with family and friends.    Choose to stay out of retail stores on Thanksgiving.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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