Friday, November 14, 2014



In January 2013 I consciously decided that I would never diet again.  I wasn’t interested in even trying.  I was fat.  I had been fat for over 50 years.  I was going to die fat.   I weighed 317 pounds and figured I would weigh that much or more when I died.   I was done.  I had given up.  I had no hope. 

When I started this last weight loss journey in July 2013 using Skinny Fiber, I still had no hope.  I just didn’t believe it was possible for me to lose weight.  I mean really lose weight for the long term and keep it off.  I was completely defeated.    I figured I would use Skinny Fiber for 30 days and then return the empty bottle for my money back guarantee.

But this time, something happened.  It worked.  I lost 10 pounds that first month.  I had not changed what I ate one bit.  I just followed the three steps of Skinny Fiber.  I took two capsules twice a day with 12 ounces of water.  I drank enough water daily to equal half my body weight in ounces.  And I stopped eating when I felt that first feeling of fullness. 

Besides losing weight, I began to feel better.  When I started Skinny Fiber, I could walk less than a block.  I have progressed from walking to jogging to even running.  I’ve been taken off 2 blood pressure medications (it was still 160/90 with the meds); my thyroid medication has been decreased, I’m off medication for acid reflux, arthritis and fibromyalgia.  And I have completed a 5k.

I haven’t just changed my body and appearance.  I’ve changed everything about myself:  the way I think, the way I act, the way I respond.   Today I was looking at pictures from my cruise to Belize and Cozumel.   There I was having a blast, dancing like I was on Solid Gold, and smiling.  I don’t even remember when the last time was that I saw pictures of me smiling.  Not a forced smile or a fake smile.  Just a big beautiful smile.  I have been telling people for months:  I am changing from the inside out and the outside in.  When I look at those pictures, I truly see this transformation. 

Why am I writing this?  Because I know there are many people out there reading this that feel like I did in January 2013.  I know how you feel; I know where you are; and I know you have given up.  I’m here to tell you, there is hope!  I don’t care how old or young you are.  I don’t care how few pounds or how many pounds you have to lose.  I don’t care how many times you have tried and failed.  I’m here to tell you there is hope!  You can lose weight.   It can happen.  You just have to take one more chance.  And when you do, your hope that is just a burning ember in your heart will light anew.   Give Skinny Fiber 90 days and the flame of hope will burst inside you. 

I’m not unique.  I failed at dieting for 53 years.  And now, without dieting, I am finally succeeding at losing weight and getting healthy.  You can too.   I will help you along the way.  If you need or want to contact me, email me at  You can contact me on Facebook @  You can contact me on Twitter @

I know Skinny Fiber works.  It has worked for me for about 15 months.  When I jog and run I feel like an athlete instead of someone waiting to die.  Every time someone decides to try one more time and gives Skinny Fiber a chance, I know that hope is going to return to their life.

Step out in faith one more time and let hope fill your heart again.  Start today with your Skinny Fiber.  I’ll walk this journey with you.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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