Wednesday, May 21, 2014



When something goes wrong in your life do you see it as a setback?  I have noticed that when something goes wrong, and it could be small or large, we tend to view it as negative.

I have learned and believe to my core that when bad things happen, God can turn it into a blessing.  Sometimes I don't see how He can, but he does.  Sometimes He will use it to put into motion a plan to take care of something you have requested of Him.

Yesterday I had to buy two new tires.  Today a new battery.  I feel blessed.  There was a time when I wouldn’t have been able to even buy either.  I would have been worrying what wouldn't get paid this month.  I no longer live in that place. But more than that, I live in a state of feeling blessed and being grateful.  I didn't always live with that attitude.  

Since changing my life to blessed and grateful, I am just amazed how God turns negatives into blessings in my life.  I don't believe God causes bad things to happen.  But I do believe that He can take a bad situation and make it a blessing for me....if I just let him.   I could tell you about some of the times that He has put things into place over a long period of time to be bring blessings into my life.  Many times He is working in the background to bring about your blessings.

Believe He will do it for you.  When you stop believing, you close the door for Him to keep working.  Try it just once.  You will be amazed!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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