Wednesday, May 21, 2014



I spent the weekend pondering this overeating incident on Friday.  I know I am the one who has to figure it out and then work out the solution.  I hope ya'll don't mind but I'm going to write my thoughts about this problem of mine.   Maybe it will help someone else.  I don't know.

I just know I will never be free of my weight problems until I figure this weight problem out.  I want to be healthy, mind and body.  What good does it do me to lose the weight and still have to battle these binges of overeating when my emotional state collapses? 

52 years is long enough to carry this burden.  I want to be free of it for good.  I'm not sure what path or paths I will have to take to reach my final destination but I'm determined to get there. 

I'm looking forward to all of you being with me to push me, encourage me, tell me the truth when I need it, and cheer me on when I make progress. 

I'll tell you.  I'm scared.  I just feel like it is uncharted territory for me and I'm just scared.  I know I am going to have to make changes that probably I would rather not make.  But I'm determined.  This time, this time I'm going to put this to rest.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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