Friday, May 23, 2014



When I was in elementary school we had track day every year. Only 5th and 6th graders could participate and we competed against 5th and 6th graders from all over our little town. The track day was held on the football field behind the Jr. High in May.
When I was in the fifth grade, we had tryouts. I made the relay team. Our “coach” was my teacher, Mrs. Billingsley. Now, Mrs. Billingsley was what we would call a plus size girl. I thought she was old but I’m sure she was only in her 40’s. Anyway, she was a great coach. She taught us how to handle that baton so we never dropped it and could smoothly hand off at the end of our run. She had a stop watch and she timed us every day. We practiced every day at recess (we called it play period cause we played) for about a month. No after school practice allowed. I was so proud to be on that relay team because I was, of course, the biggest girl on the team. Our relay team won FIRST PLACE! I loved that blue ribbon. I think I still have it in my buffet.
That was the last time I ran and that was 50 years ago. Until today.
You see, when I go to therapy they have me walk on the treadmill for 3 minutes. I’ve been doing it and sometimes I walk for 10-15 minutes. I raise my speed when I’m on it. Today I got on that machine and took a few steps and suddenly, I STARTED RUNNING! Now, I’m not gonna say it was fast but I was running! I was bouncing up and down with my feet coming off that treadmill! I couldn’t believe it! Me! Running! I thought ok, I’ll run for 10 seconds. Then 20 seconds. I just kept going and when I got to 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I knew I could make it to the end!
I tell you, I felt like that 10 year old girl running relay for Herty Elementary. I WAS A WINNER! I felt great! I felt like a champ! And I felt like I had won a blue ribbon! I’m going to start running. I’m going to walk and then run; walk and then run. Today I ran a tenth of a mile! My goal is to run a mile!
Here is my challenge to you. What is it that you have been wanting to do that you just don’t think you can do? Comment below and then decide to just TRY! Start and do a little and then build on it. I have to tell you I’m in tears just writing this. I never ever in my life thought I would run again. Not at my age. BUT I DID! YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD TO TRY!

copyrighted 2014

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