Monday, May 26, 2014



Yesterday I decided that for one week I would think before I put anything in my mouth.   I know some people might think that is so silly.  It isn't.  I rarely think before I eat.  I wonder if it is just me?

I never ask myself "Am I hungry?"  I don't eat because I'm hungry.  I think the last time I was hungry was in 1981.  I was dieting again.  My diet consisted of one hard boiled egg a day.  Yep, I know how not to eat just as well as I know how to overeat.    It was a Wednesday.  I was volunteering at a hotline that night.  I had been on this diet for about 2 weeks.  I had eaten that one hard boiled egg.   I was hungry.  That was probably my last day on that diet.

Anyway, yesterday I decided that before I eat I will ask myself, "Am I hungry?"  It was 12:30pm before I could answer that question, yes.  So I ate.  When I got home I had to deal with more crap that just sets me off.  I'm not making excuses; I'm just trying to figure me out.  I wanted something to eat. Now if I had had some protein cooked, maybe I would have eaten that.  What I wanted was that cookie mix or muffin mix but I could not find one of them!  So I rummaged in the pantry and there they were.  Marshmallows.  Well, I have coughing lately and I read that marshmallows were invented to control coughing.  I ripped that bag open and started eating those marshmallows.  I think I ate ten.  Now, I'll admit.  I don't really even like marshmallows.  So here I was.  My first day of my experiment and I lost it.

Several hours later I decided to eat dinner.  Was I hungry?  I was hungry.  I needed real food.  So I ate part of a chicken breast, 1/2 a baked potato and a small salad.  Even though I gave part of the chicken to Cody, I still ate too much.  I was miserable.

Now, I did pass up the peppermint patty candy and the cookies.  It was difficult.  I wanted them.  I wasnt hungry for them.  Didn't really like the cookies.  BUT I WANTED THEM!

Am I the only one that eats things when I’m not hungry?  That eats stuff that I don’t even like?

So back to it today.   When I woke up and got dressed, I asked myself if I was hungry.  I wasn’t.  I wasn’t hungry until almost 10.

What I’m trying to do here is listen to my body.  Just listen.  I don’t want to eat just to be eating or because someone put a bag of popcorn on my desk.  Or because my boss brought cookies, cake and peanut m&m’s from home because his wife didn’t want them in the house.  I want to eat because I’m hungry!

This is much harder than I thought.  And I wish I could say that just learning to eat when I’m hungry would fix everything.  I know it won’t.  I have a feeling this is gonna be a marathon instead of a sprint.

copyright 2014
caryn cannatella

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