Wednesday, May 21, 2014



I have decided to join the world of YouTube.  My first video will be released by the end of the week.  Then I am putting together a series of exercise videos just for YouTube.

Yeah, I know.  You are thinking….”What is a fat girl doing putting out exercise videos?  Who will star in it?”

Well, Baby, who do you think will star in it?  The fat girl named Caryn will!   Hahaha  I may still be fat on the outside but on the inside I’ve always been petite just trying to get out of this prison of fat!

My goal is 12 videos that are 2 ½ to 3 minutes long.  I’m going to do this!  Am I scared?  Yep!   Do I fear failure?  Of course! Do I sometimes think I might be rejected?  Ummm, I do.  But this is what I know! 

I have a team mates who have graciously offered to help me when needed.  My daughter has offered to help me out. My friend Patty said she would help.   I have been working on content and how they should be.  I’m excited about it!  I’m working to have some of them launched by mid June.

Now the one I plan to release within a week is a song I wrote for my friend, Jackie.  It’s a silly little song but I think it is catchy. It was my kids that suggested I make a video and upload it to YouTube.  It will be something to honor Jackie for infinity cause you know that once it is on YouTube it lives forever. 

So stay tuned!  This girl is on fire and heading to a YouTube near you!  J

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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