Tuesday, May 27, 2014



I want to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the birth mothers out there who, for whatever reason, chose to place your baby with an adoptive mother. The two birth mothers of my children, Ashlie and Cody, have and will always have a special place in my heart.

In Texas when you have a private adoption, the birth mother must place the child in your arms. How very hard that must be. Their pain brought me such joy. I look at my kids and always think, “their birth mothers would be proud of the people they have become.” My children are awesome!

I could not give birth to a child. These two women gave me the ultimate gift….the gift I could not give myself. I am so grateful for these two women I call my angels. So to Carolena and Veronica, thank you for taking that chance and giving me the chance to be a mom. I’m eternally grateful to you.

Happy Mother Days to all the birth mothers out there who made that very difficult decision to place your baby for adoption. From the bottom of my heart, and I know every other adoptive mother feels the same way, THANK YOU! Thank you for providing that path for us to have the experience of Motherhood and Mother’s Day!

copyright 2014
caryn cannatella

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