Wednesday, May 21, 2014



I have come to realize that secrets keep us living in fear.    We all have them.  We’re afraid that if someone finds out whatever our secrets are, that catastrophe will occur.   That is what is so destructive about secrets.  They hold us captive by their darkness.

Now, I’m not talking about some huge secret.  I’m talking about the little secrets that we keep.  I remember last August meeting Courtney Luper after she spoke in Dallas.  She told her story about her weight loss journey and how she put it all out there in her group.  Even her weight!  EVEN HER WEIGHT!!!  I almost couldn’t breathe when she said that.  Who in their right mind would tell someone, and a bunch of someones, at that, how much you weigh????

I saw her in the hall later dressed in that hot pink shirt, looking fabulous!  I went up to her and said, “Did you really put in your group your weight?”  She said, “I did.  What did I have to lose?”  Courtney will never know what a life changing impact that had on my life.

I have thought about that a lot since last August.  Oh, I didn’t decide to jump right out there and announce my weight to everyone.  It was just too scary.  I knew how cruel people could be.  I lived it for many years as a child and young adult.  Anyone who is overweight knows that when you are in a disagreement with someone, all they have to do is say, “Oh, yeah?  Well you’re FAT!”  And that ends it.

A month or so ago I decided to just put it out there.  I told Facebook and my group that two years ago I weighed 317 pounds.  When I started Skinny Fiber I weighed 287.  I now weigh 240.  Why should I be embarrassed?  I am a winner at losing!

And you know what happened?  People supported me.  People encouraged me.  People I didn’t even know.  And some people decided to try Skinny Fiber.

I’m not saying you should share all of your life with just anyone.  Some things in your life shouldn’t be shared with just anyone; but only those who have earned the right to know.  But there are many secrets that all of us carry that mean nothing in the big picture of our lives.  When you have a secret that is holding you back, open up.  Start with just telling one person you truly trust.

Once the secret has light on it, its power to control you is gone.  So what if you weighed 300 pounds or more!   What matters is that you are controlling your own life.  It amazes me what freedom I have gained from just taking that step and telling the facebook world my highest and current weight.

If you have a secret that is holding you back or keeping you from living, let it go.  Put that secret in the light and see how its power dissipates.  You will not regret it.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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