Friday, May 23, 2014



This morning when I was driving to work, I was stopped at a red light.  Across the way I saw a black trash bag blowing down the street.  When I saw that bag I thought, “Look at that bag.  It’s just blowin’ in the wind.  No cares, no problems.  It is going where the wind takes it.”

At first I thought, how lucky to be free like that bag.  Just blowin’ in the wind.  Going where the wind blows.  Then a little voice inside says, “Are you just blowing in the wind?”

A lot of us are just blowin’ in the wind.  We have no direction.  We don’t know where we are going.  We aren’t focused.  We don’t know where we want to be in a year or even a month.  We are just waiting for something magical to happen while we are blowin’ in the wind.   Listen to those who are where you want to be!

Lots of people have good ideas for increasing business or improving their life.  But you can’t jump on every new idea that comes along.  Above all else, you have to be consistent in whatever you are doing.  You can find good ideas for getting more business.  However, if you try to do them all, you are scattered.  You will lose your focus.  Just pick one.  Give it 3 months to see if it is a good fit for you.    What works for one dt might not work for you.  What works for one business might not work for another.

Don’t be that bag blowin’ down the street wherever the wind takes it.  Be focused.  Have direction.  And follow the lead of those who are already successful.   If you choose not to follow  sage advice, then enjoy blowin’ in the wind.  It will get you somewhere, but not where you want to be.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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