Monday, May 19, 2014



Are your thoughts on what you don't have in your life or what you do have?

I used to live my life in the "Why not me?"  mode.  Why didn't I have a better job?  How come I didn't make more money?  Why couldn't I live in a nicer home?  Why Why Why. 

About 11 years ago I started changing my focus.  Instead of wondering why I started being grateful.  I would say out loud what I was grateful for.  My eyesight.  My hearing.  My children.  My car.  The birds.  Air conditioning.  Heat.  Toilet paper.  Electricity.  Indoor plumbing.  The fact I could buy whatever groceries I wanted.  My job (even though I hated it).  So many things in my life I just took for granted.  No matter what chaos is going on around you, there are many things to be thankful for.  Everything in my life became an opportunity to be grateful.

My life didn't change overnight.  It was a process in me.  I can tell you that it does change your life.  I live the most amazing life.  It is everything I want it to be.  Sure, there are parts that are still changing and improving but I wake up every day believing that my life is the best life in the world!

I live such a blessed life.  Even the little bumps that occur in life (and there are bumps, big and small) just don't seem like much in the grand scheme of my life.  What I have noticed through this past decade is that it becomes easier and easier to be grateful in all things.  And the more grateful I am, the more blessed I become.

I know that the change that happened is me.  I changed.  If you want to change your life, take a moment each day to find something to be grateful for.  You will find abundance in doing so.  I know.  I'm living proof.  

Join me in my last weight loss journey with Skinny Fiber @

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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