Thursday, May 22, 2014



As I lose weight on Skinny Fiber, there are more and more things that I want to try to do again.  For over a month I have wanted to skip.   In my head I can see myself skipping.  Not really happening in reality.

When Marisela and I were on our cruise, I told her that I really wanted to skip.  I used to skip when I was a kid.  I remember it as fun.  When I think about skipping it is always fun.  So being my best friend, Marisela said, “come on, we’ll skip down the hall”.  So here she goes skipping down the hall.  I tried to skip and mine was more like a stomp.  Being my friend, you can imagine what Marisela did.

SHE LAUGHED LIKE A HYENA!  Yes, she did!  Just laughed and laughed watching me stomp while trying to skip.  I knew I looked goofy. L    I knew I wasn’t skipping.  And yes, I laughed too.

I just wanted to skip.  This past Sunday I was at the grocery store.   I was pushing a shopping cart in the parking lot.  (Another thing I want to do is be able to jump up on the cart and glide through the parking lot.)  So as I was pushing my groceries to the car I thought, “I wonder if I could hold on to the basket and skip?”

I tried it and I DID IT!  Now, I’m not a full fledged skipper yet but I did skip!  I will admit that I only skipped about 4 times but it is a start!  Every week I will continue to skip with the cart until I get to my car.  I know in no time I will be skipping hands free!

If you are losing weight, think about those things that you did when you were younger.   Believe that you can do those things again!  Think about doing them.  Go through the steps of accomplishing it.  Play it over and over in your mind.  It may take you awhile to accomplish it but you will.

Maybe you will become a SKIPPER like me!

Copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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