Wednesday, May 28, 2014



You know why.  It’s because the more you eat, the more they make.  It’s all about the money, honey!

We rarely ate out when I was a kid.  We ate at home every day.  Always.   The few times we ate at a fast food place (a burger joint back then), females got one burger; guys got 2.  The burger was about the same size as one in a kid’s meal.  It was meat (locally grown and butchered), lettuce, tomatoe and onion and maybe a slice of cheese.  The order of fries was about the same size as in a kid’s meal.

And it filled us up.  I think that was mainly because that is what we expected!

And now we see the results of bigger is better, dollar menus.  Eat more for less!  The end result is FATTER AMERICANS.  Even worse than that is the sad fact that are children are becoming fatter than ever.  Every year more and more teens are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.  That used to only happen in people over 40!

Processed food, too much food and little to no exercise just doesn’t equal healthy!  Are you willing to kill yourself with food?  Even more importantly are you willing for your children to lose years off their life to satisfy the food industry and our own gluttony?

Oh, I know!  They have trained us well.  We need that dollar burger!  We love those 2 tacos for a buck!  Who can resist those 3 pieces of chicken for $2.99?  And what about those ANY SIZE DRINK FOR A BUCK!

Decide to become the master of what goes in your mouth!  You can eat healthy.  You can eat an individual portion and be satisfied.  It’s up to you.  When you do, you will be the example your children need.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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