Friday, June 27, 2014



My One Year Weight Loss Anniversary

caryn cannatella



I’ve been thinking about sharing this with you guys for a while now.  I’m a liar.  Yep, when it comes to food and being honest, well, I’m just not.

As many of you know, I'm on Skinny Fiber and I am doing well.  But I realized I could be doing better.  If I would just make a few changes, I could lose a lot more weight!

I don’t keep a food journal because I figure if I don’t write it down, then it doesn’t count.  Oh, I know intellectually it counts.  But somewhere in my brain, I’ve convinced myself that it’s like a magic eraser if it isn’t written down.

I have lost a lot of weight the past 6 months but I could have lost more.  I know I would probably have lost at least another 20 pounds.  The first month I was losing I probably ate at least one bag of hot peanuts every day.  Some days two.  That’s at least 400 calories.  Almost a pound a week I could have lost.  I comforted myself by reminding myself that peanuts are protein.  They are also fat but who cares about all the details?  Two pkgs of peanuts a day means I could have lost another 20.8 pounds. 

This year I started looking at what I’m really eating.  Not what I want people to think I eat.  By lying to myself I realize that the only person it hurts is me.  Now, I don’t think there is anything wrong with having peanuts every now and then…just not every day a couple times a day!

One reason I make my meals ahead of time is because I no longer recognize the signals that I’m full.  I portion out my breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If I stick with those, I’m fine.  When I eat out, I always have a to go box brought to me with my meal.  I eat half and take the other half home for another meal. 

My problem comes in if I just take a bite of something.  You know….graze a bit.  And that one bite, is suddenly two or three.  Your mind tricks you into thinking it doesn’t count.  It does count and can have an effect on your weight loss.  I know it does for me.

My most difficult time is in the evening.  I love to eat at night and alone.  I have frequently called food my secret lover.  Don’t want to share with anyone or even let them know I have this lover.  It’s mine.  All mine.  I don’t have to share it.  No one knows about it.  But just like a secret lover, I know the truth.  And I’m the only one that can bring it into the light and change it.  Since I know this is my weakness, I’ve decided to go back to my protein shake before bedtime.  It tastes like a milkshake, full of protein and helps keep my blood sugar stable.

Here’s my plan:
1.       Meals are portioned ahead of time, even when eating out.
2.      Keep no food  in the house that might interfere with my weight loss.
3.      Snacks are limited to my protein shakes or Atkins snacks. 

I’m committing myself to doing this for the next 7 days!  I’ll report in with my struggles and success.

Losing weight is hard.  Skinny Fiber does help me a lot but you still have to be committed to healthy eating and refraining from over eating.  Anyone who says or thinks that losing weight is easy, has never lost weight through changing their eating.  I know this time I am going to make it to my goal.  But there are still those times when I think….what if I fail again?  I try to stay focused and keep my eye on my goal. 

I’m going to make it to my goal and I hope all of you will be right here with me!

copyrighted May 2014

caryn cannatella



When I joined AOL back in ’97 or ’98, I had to come up with a screen name that no one else was using.  I decided on my first name and part of my last name:  caryncann.  A friend and I were chatting on the phone one day and he said, “I think the screen name a person chooses says a lot about them.”  I had never thought about it but ever since I have paid more attention to a person’s user name, even in email accounts.

Caryncann.  What does this say about me?  I think it sums me up.  As my friend Mark said to me once, “Caryn cann and does do whatever she wants.”  I’m not sure how true it was 15 years ago but it certainly describes me now.

I know I can do whatever I want in my life.  If I decide to focus on anything, I know I will be successful at it.  There is no one standing in my way achieving my dreams and goals but me!  When I look back over the past year, I am able to see my accomplishments.  Here are just a few:
1.      Losing 50 pounds, slowly and consistently
2.      Learning to eat healthier
3.      Traveling alone and loving it
4.      Taking chances that I never considered taking before
5.      Deciding to start jogging
6.      Choosing  to wear clothes that in the past I would have avoided
7.      Dancing like no one is watching
8.      Making videos of myself (THIS IS A BIG DEAL!)
9.      Taking lots of pictures of myself and letting others take pictures of me.  I used to tell people that having pictures taken of me was against my religion to avoid the embarrassment.
10.   Building a business that will provide me financial independence.
Look at your user name or email address you use most often.  What does it say about you?
Over the years I have branded myself as caryncann.  I use it for almost everything.  I am the embodiment of caryncann.  Although I came up with that user name without much thought, it has come to symbolize who I am. 
What is your user/email name and how does it define you?  It does make a difference

caryn cannatella

Tuesday, June 24, 2014



Yes, today it has been 1 year since I started losing weight with Skinny Fiber.
I was just so miserable when I started.  I was close to 300 pounds.  I couldn’t move very easily and when I did, I would hurt for hours afterwards.  I had already declared in January of 2013 I was done with dieting and would just die fat.  My self-esteem was in the toilet and I had little of the confidence I once exuded.  And then I saw something online about Skinny Fiber.

I thought, ok, I’ll try it for a month but I’m not changing what I eat.  I knew and expected that I would be sending it back for my refund within 30 days.   So that first 30 days I changed nothing about my eating.  I took Skinny Fiber, drank about 150 ounces of water a day.  What I found was that I didn’t crave the same things I had been and I was eating less.  I lost 10 pounds the first month. 

Within 3 days of starting I had given up my 50 year old habit of diet sodas.  I would drink 6-10 cans a day of it.  No withdrawals at all!   In 3 weeks I was off two blood pressure medications.  When I started my blood pressure was 160/90 (with meds).   I stopped taking them when it reached 90/45.  After my second month I decided to eat low carb and high protein because I’m a diabetic.  It has done wonders for my blood sugar.  By the end of the year I plan to be off those meds too.  And even my thyroid medication has been decreased.

I did absolutely no exercise for 11 months and lost 50 pounds.  I still weighed close to 240 even after losing 50 pounds.  The first of June I started jogging.  I started at ½ mile.  In a week I was at 1 mile.  This week I will increase to 1.1 mile.  Now I am working on reducing my time.  Every week I will increase .1 mile.   I even started doing squats last week!  I’m not great at the yet but I will be!  I can feel my from thigh muscles contracting every time I do one!

This is the first time in my 53 years of being obese that I have stayed with a weight loss plan for a year!  THE VERY FIRST TIME!   I have never considered quitting not once.  From the beginning I have called this my last weight loss journey.  And it is.

And on those days when I just want to stuff my face because of some issue that is confronting me, you know what I do?  I look at the issue and figure out what it is about.   And when my mind tries to convince me not to jog, I ignore those thoughts and sometimes I just tell them to shut up!  When I’m jogging and out of breath, I don’t think about what people will think seeing me jog.  I just repeat out loud over and over.  YOU CAN DO THIS!   YOU CAN DO THIS!
This is what I want everyone who reads my blog, my Facebook, my Twitter, my Pinterest Page, my Fan Page ,  my Weight Loss Support group, or who sees me on the street, sees me at the grocery store, at the mall, etc. :

I am 61 years old.  I have lived my life waiting for something magical to happen to release this tiny person who has lived inside me all my life.  And I finally found it.  The magic is ME!   Skinny Fiber is not magical.  It is a tool, just like exercise and Fitbit.   I am the magic.  I always had the magic.  It was always inside me.  I just didn’t believe it.  Now I know the truth and I want to help as many people as I can realize it, find it and experience it.

YOU ARE THE MAGIC!  You, and you alone can become the tiny healthy person that lives inside your body that has been covered by layers and layers of fat.  As those layers come off, slowly but surely the real you will emerge.  It won’t be in a week or a month.  It might take a couple of years.  So what?  That just gives you time to become accustomed to the beautiful you that is emerging from that cocoon of fat.  By the time you complete your journey, your wings will be strong and you will soar to heights you only dreamed up.

Grab hold and believe that the Magic is YOU.  I’m here to help you any way I can.  You can do this!  I’m living proof!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Friday, June 20, 2014



My daddy was a preacher in a small church in a small town.  He was happy being that small town preacher.  For many years he held a second job too.  But preaching was his passion and that church and its members was his life.

My mother always thought he short-changed himself.  I can remember her saying, “He could be preaching at a big church that would provide us a home and a bigger salary.”  He didn’t care.  Everyone at church knew him and he knew them.  He visited them when they were in the hospital.  He would go to their homes just to check in on them.  He would pray with them.  He kept their confidences.  He knew everyone’s kids, nieces and nephews, the grandparents and aunts and uncles. 

He had his faults and shortcomings but he had his positives also.  He was tender hearted.  He never met a stranger.  He would strike up a conversation with anyone, anywhere.  He was a very fast and accurate typist.  He cooked the best roast, potatoes and carrots I’ve ever eaten.  He didn’t hold a grudge.  His church members were his family and friends.  He didn’t have lofty goals and he achieved the ones he set for himself.

He was a great preacher.  His messages were succinct.  I remember him telling me that when he was in college he had a professor who said, “If you can’t get your point across in 30 minutes, you need to sit down.”  He took that to heart.  His sermons were almost always 30 minutes, except if the Cowboys were playing an early game.  Then his sermon might be 20 minutes.  No matter the length of the sermon, his message was well thought out.  Preaching truly was his calling in life.  And not just preaching but leading a congregation.  That was all he wanted in his career.

Many times when I have had to decide whether to work for a small company or a big corporation, I always thought of my daddy.  I heard him say many times, “I’d rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond.”  I feel the same way.  That’s why he stayed at that little church in that little town for so many years.  I know he was glad he did. 

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Thursday, June 19, 2014



Today my boss asked me, "why do you want to jog?"  I thought about that for a minute.  There are several reason why.

The last time I had run was when I was 10 years old in a relay race.  I want to see if I could do it again at 61.   I've always thought running/jogging would be BORING.  I was shocked.  I love being outside looking at the grass, the branches on the sidewalk, the butterfly that flew by our faces last night.  Now, I'm not sure I would like jogging on a treadmill.  It's the being outside that I love.  I have actually realized that I really enjoy jogging.

I can't tell you what a great feeling it is to be out shaking my tail feathers around the neighborhood.  I really hope I inspire one or two to get out and walk the neighborhood.  I hope they say, “If she can do it, I can do it!”  That would be a bonus!

I know that you can get injured, you can fall, you can injure your knees.  I'm not worried.  And you know what?  I don't care.  I take precautions and warm up.  I am no longer denying myself any experiences that previously kept me on the sidelines, just watching.  Even at my age, I can choose to live life fully.  And for me, right now, that includes jogging.  And I feel good about it. 

Watch out world, I’m finally ready to conquer you!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Wednesday, June 18, 2014



I was sitting here thinking about how blessed I am.   I see and talk to so many people who have such great sadness in their lives.  It made me think about being sad.    The saddest day of my life was the day I had my hysterectomy.  I was 32.

All I ever wanted to be was a mommy.  Well, that and Room Mother in elementary school.   I must have cried a million tears.  I had reached the end of my journey of having a baby.  There would be no more fertility treatments.  No more taking my temperature to see when I was ovulating.  My body had completely turned against me and could not do the one thing I so desperately wanted it to do.  I felt like my life had ended.

And to make it even worse, my surgeon decided (for his convenience) to put me on the new born floor.  I literally thought I would have a breakdown.   It was one of the few times I ever saw my ex get aggressive with anyone.  The only thing worse than that was when a well intentioned person said, “well, at least you won’t have a period any more. Lol”  I reminded them that I would also never be able to carry a baby.

It was a sad dark period of my life.  The only painting I have ever done was right before my surgery.  It was cold, barren, icy and nothing alive.  I still have that painting in my house to remind me just how sad and unhappy I was during that period.  Oh, I tried to comfort myself by having my nails done and my hair done every month.  But you know what?  Nothing, and I mean nothing fills that void of wanting so desperately to have a baby.  And then knowing for sure that it won’t happen.

My niece was born the day of my surgery.  She was conceived the same month as my last pregnancy which ended in a miscarriage.   She was bright spot in my world but still a reminder that my baby would have been the same age.

But then that day came, almost 7 years later, when my ex called and said, “Carolena wants to know if we want to adopt her baby?”  I couldn’t believe it!  I was so afraid of jinxing it before we even picked her up that we told no one.   When she placed Ashlie in my arms, my world became right.  That void in my heart was filled.  I was a mommy.  

Even out of this sad time came a blessing so huge that at the time I could not see it through my grief.  Even when we can’t see it, God is working behind the scenes.  Sometimes it seems to me that it’s like pieces of a puzzle.  You might not see the entire picture but when it’s completed you realize how the pieces were being laid down in exactly the right places.

Out of sadness and grief came the most wonderful gift I could ever imagine.  My daughter, Ashlie. 

Copyrighted 2014
Caryn Cannatella

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Rejection is a powerful emotion.  It’s that feeling of not being good enough and is the root of a myriad of problems so many of us face.

I have come to realize that there is not just one thing that causes me feel unworthy and often to want to overeat.  There are many.  And yesterday I discovered that rejection is a huge one.

When I got up yesterday morning I was in a good mood.  As I went through my work day I started feeling that sinking feeling.  I call it spiraling.  It wasn’t bad; it was just that I could feel it.  Over the past few years I have learned to identify that feeling before it has a chance to grab hold and pull me down into the abyss.

So here I was a busy little beaver working hard all day and it kept nagging at me.  Not like a kid or a boss.  More like a gnat or fruit fly that just buzzes around your head for no good reason.  In this last weight loss journey of mine, I have tried to identify these triggers.  Once I do, it is much easier for me to deal with them and choose a better path. 

Now I will give myself kudos.  I didn’t think once about stuffing my face.  I really just wanted that dark cloud to be gone.   While Patty and I were jogging, I told her about going to jury duty about 30 years ago and not being picked.  I felt so rejected I literally crawled into bed for several days.  On that Friday, I called a therapist and told her I didn’t know what was wrong but something was.  That started my trip  down therapy lane. 

I told Patty I was having those same feelings all day long.  I told her that I really hadn’t wanted to jog; I had wanted to crawl in bed and cover my head.  But I didn’t.  By the time I had finished my jog and pounded those sidewalks, that feeling of rejection was gone.  I had overcome it.  I didn’t feel like abusing my body with food.  I was no longer spiraling.  And I no longer felt rejected.

Now here is what I have learned.  Many times when we feel rejected, it isn’t true!   It is an emotion that takes root in our own minds from a thought.  We start thinking about, feeding it, watering it, and watch it grow.  It doesn’t take long.  Our mind will agree with our irrational thoughts just like it will put them there. 

But here is the key.  Our mind is nothing without us.   We have the ability to control our mind.  We can change the thoughts that pop into our head.  It takes practice but we all can do it.  When you start having those feelings of being unworthy and not good enough, try confronting them.  Where do they stem from?  Are they real or imagined?

An affirmation I have tried to live by the past couple of years is this, “Change your thoughts; change your life.”  It has worked many times for me and is still an ongoing project.    The next time you are feeling rejected and unworthy, try changing that channel in your head.  It takes practice but I can assure you, it works.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Monday, June 16, 2014



So much can change in a year.  This time last year I was still out of my house during the never-ending remodel.  I weighed almost 300 pounds.  I couldn’t walk more than a block without my hips locking up and causing me severe pain.  I was on two blood pressure medications and my bp was still 160/90.  I was taking 2 meds for diabetes and my blood sugar was still around 280 in the morning.  I was on thyroid, arthritis and acid reflux medicine.   My self-esteem was shot.  I had little to no confidence.  In fact, I think I became the girl I was in high school.  I hoped no one would notice me.  I just wanted to be invisible.

What a difference a year makes!  I’ve lost 50 pounds and I’m getting healthy!  The only meds I am now on are thyroid, which has been reduced, and diabetic, which my dr. plans to start weaning from those later this year.  My self-esteem is returning and my confidence has grown by leaps and bounds.  I have dreams that I know are going to become reality.

Yes, I still have 50+ pounds to go but I am really and truly getting healthy!  Who would have ever believed that a 61 year old woman who weighs 237 pounds could start jogging and be jogging 1 mile after just a week?  Well, here I am!  Now, I don’t plan to ever run a marathon, but who knows?  I might go for a ½ marathon someday.  My goal right now is stay consistent and add slowly.  By the end of the year I will be jogging 4-5 miles.    It is amazing to say it aloud and know that I not only can do but I will do it! 

If you are reading this and think you can’t lose weight or exercise, I’m here to tell you that you can!  Whatever your age, whatever your health, whatever your size, there is some kind of exercise you can do.  You just have to figure it out, start slow and keep at it.  Within a week of exercising, you will begin to feel positive results.

I hope I can be a beacon to those who were like me a year ago.  I saw some beacons back then that inspired me.  I found Skinny Fiber which has helped me to lose weight without any exercise.  BUT, now that the 50 pounds has come off, I’m in much better condition to start exercising.  Moving helps us become healthier.

Today if you are hating your body, tired of being sick and tired, know that there is an answer.  The answer is the person who looks back at you from the mirror.   YOU are the person who can change your body.  Just decide to do one thing each day to help you get healthier.  Could be drinking more water or cutting out sodas.  It could be parking further away from the store you are going to.   Just one thing each day can change your life.  I know.  I’m living proof.

And if you need someone to support you, send me an email @  If you want to try Skinny Fiber, a plant based weight loss supplement, that has changed my life, order here @

Do it for yourself.  You are worthy and you deserve it!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Wednesday, June 11, 2014



That’s right.  If you are ready to get healthy, nothing, AND I MEAN NOTHING, will get in your way.  Sure you will have set-backs.  Sure you will falter.  But if you get back up and journey on, you will reach your goal.

What I have seen with others and myself is that we look at others achieving their goals with regards to losing weight and getting healthy.  Here are some of the comments I have said or I have heard others say on why they aren’t getting healthy when others are.
1. She’s a lot younger than me.
2. I’m on thyroid medicine.  It’s almost impossible for me to lose weight.
3. I have children at home; her kids are grown.
4. I have to cook for my family.  They won’t eat what is on my food plan.
5. I don’t like to drink water.
6.   It hurts my knees (feet, arms, toes, head, joints, etc) to exercise.
7. I don’t have time to exercise.
8. I know Skinny Fiber works for you, but I just forget to take those darn capsules twice a day.
9. If I had a cook and personal trainer, I could get healthy too.
10. I just like to eat too much to get healthy.

You know what these are called?  Excuses.  That’s right. They are just excuses.  Sometimes you just aren’t ready to lose weight.  You can say the words, “I wish I was smaller” or “I wish I could lose weight”.  YOU CAN!  But until you are ready and decide this is what you are going to do, it won’t work.  I know.  I lived it for 53 years.
Several things changed my mind and got me ready to face this challenge head on.  One of my best friends died last year at the age of 63.  Just a baby, she was.  She was severely overweight for the 30+ years I knew her.  She finally started losing weight when she began dying.  It broke my heart.  My children are only in their 20’s.  Neither is married yet or has children.  I want to be around when they get married and make me a grandmother.  I want to be able to travel without asking for an extender belt (I reached this goal Aug 2013!).  I want to be able to sightsee when I travel without hating how awful I feel after walking a couple of blocks.  Last summer I found this amazing product, Skinny Fiber, which has been a great tool in my LAST weight loss journey!  Not magic.  Just a tool.  And finally, I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

It has taken me a year of losing weight to get to the point that I could and even wanted to start moving.  And now that I have, I remember that exhilarating feeling I experienced 14 years ago when I was exercising.

Here is my advice to you.  No one can convince you to start getting healthy.  That is something only you can decide.  If you want to start out with simple things, try these two things.  It will get you started.  If you cut out 100 calories a day (that’s one soda a day), you will lose 10 pounds in a year.   Anytime you have to park your car, put it twice as far away as you normally do.  Those two things will help you start getting healthy…if you want to.  The decision is yours.

I’ve been wherever you are.  In 2012 I weighed 317 pounds.   I now weight 237.  I have 53 more pounds to go.  I’ve done so much damage to my body trying to become “normal” instead of trying to be healthy:  every diet out there, hypnosis, starvation, exercising 5-6 hours a day, bariatric surgery, all kinds of diet pills, and on and on.  The truth is, to get healthy is long term project; a work in progress.  It is not a quick fix.  You have to eat right the majority of the time and you have to move.

Are you ready to get healthy?  If that is your goal, then you will do it.  Let nothing stand in your way.  NOTHING.  If you falter, get back up.  Start anew.  If you are moving forward you are making progress.   When you are ready, and you need help, someone to talk to, or someone just to listen, shoot me a message @  I’ll be here for you.

copyright 2014
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber available here:



Ran my 1/2 mile last night. I'm going to be honest with you. In the evening my brain starts saying, "Lets not run." "Let's take a nap" "I'm tired." At 8pm I put my running clothes and shoes on.
That first 5 minutes or so is the hardest. I feel like I am just pounding the pavement with a big bag of rocks on my back. But something happens after about 5 minutes. I get in a zone and it becomes easier. Not just easier, but I like it.
When I turn into my driveway and run up that huge hill (ok, it's just an incline but feels like a hill), I act like I'm Rocky! By the time I get to the front door, I'm breathing hard, tired and start sweating. My sweating comes after I run and I continue to sweat for over an hour. I admit I like that feeling of my wet clothes on my body. It reminds me that I can still produce sweat from exercise!
I think Thursday and Friday night I'm going to go for 3/4 of a mile.
Now who would have ever guessed that a 61 year old woman who hasn't run in 50 years and weighs 237 pounds could be out there running?
Well I am and I'm going to keep running. Who knows? A half marathon might be in my future!

copyrighted 2014

caryn cannatella

Join me and start losing weight.

Monday, June 9, 2014



This is the question I have recently began to ask myself. 

Over 50 years of being overweight and I think I am finally getting it.  I have spent my life on and off of diets because I failed.  How many of us have been on a healthy eating plan to lose weight and we have that day where we eat too much or eat sweets that we tell ourselves we shouldn’t?  At the end of the day, we feel guilty, unworthy and a failure.  We beat ourselves up badly.  And then we quit.  It might be months or even years before we try to lose weight again.

What happens?  We quit eating healthy.  We start eating out of control, sometimes binging.  We have to buy bigger clothes.  We stop even weighing.  We dread looking in the mirror.  We tend to pick that part of our bodies that we like no matter what.  Mine was my eyes.  We hate going to the dr; we might even put it off as long as we can.  Why?  You know why.  They are going to weigh us.  And again, we will be humiliated.  They will know what we already know:  WE ARE A FAILURE.

I have been losing weight this time, my last weight loss journey, for almost a year.  I decided that this time I was going to do it differently.  No food would be off limits.  I had finally figured out something.  When there are foods that “aren’t allowed”, we want them more.  After a while, whether a day, a week or a month, we start feeling punished.  We tell ourselves we deserve to eat whatever it is.  And you know that is a short conversation.  Because we feel we have been denied, we usually eat that food like we will never have it again.

This time I told myself that no food was off limits.  If I want a cookie, I eat a cookie.  I have learned that with that freedom to have the food, I’m much less likely to gorge myself with it.  Notice I said “much less likely”.  I have had a few moments where I overate.   But not once this past year have I felt like I did in the past:  that I was a failure and I should just quit.   That is so amazing to me!  I am now able to say, “tomorrow’s a new day and I’ll start again.”  What freedom that has brought me.

Things that are not allowed because much more important in our lives.  When they are allowed, they lose that power over us.  We can have them, even if we overeat them on occasion.  Someday I know I will reach that point where I still eat the “forbidden” foods, but I don’t gorge myself on them.

Do a little experiment.  Try allowing “forbidden” foods on your food plan.  You can’t do it every day but certainly occasionally you can.  See if it helps you.  I’d love to hear from you.

copyrighted 2014

caryn cannatella

Order Skinny Fiber here:

Saturday, June 7, 2014



Right at 39% of American adults are obese.  For American children the rate is 33%!     We've known for years that adults are getting fatter in our country.  But our children??   Do we continue to just eat ourselves to death?

What kind of adult life will our children have if they start out in their 20's already obese?  Can you imagine how sad, difficult and yes, miserable their lives will be while trying to build a future?

I can tell you!  I know from experience!  I lived that life as a young adult, adult and even as a senior!  It is not a great way to live!  Whether you want to admit it or not, you get judged by your size.  Even diet doctors just you.  Strangers will walk up to you in a store and say, "You don't need to be eating that!"  or they will come up to you in a clothing store and say "We don't have anything for you in here!" 

Yep, people are cruel.  And if you are obese, they are more cruel.  If you are obese or overweight or fat, fluffy or whatever makes you feel more comfortable, you should be setting the example for your children.  And what should you be doing for your children who are overweight?  Look into their sad eyes and think about how sad those eyes will be when they become an adult.

When I see a very obese child I just want to run up to them and hug them.  I want to tell them that there is another way!  I want to save them from years of heartache and illnesses. 

If you have children in your life, YOU can help them.

1.  Set an example for them.
2.  Eat real food and take the processed food out of your (and their) diet.
3.  Get moving!  It doesn't have to be a marathon!  Just move!

Let's take on obesity!  Wouldn't our money be better spent on a war on obesity than a war on so many other things?  Let's start with ourselves and then help others to become healthy.

If we don't take care of our bodies, we will die.  It's just that simple.  When I realized that I AM WORTH IT I began to lose weight.  Skinny Fiber has been a great tool for me but it isn't a magic pill. 

Decide today to lose weight and get healthy!  YOU CAN DO IT!

If you need help, order Skinny Fiber and join my journey.

copyrighted 2014
caryn Cannatella

Friday, June 6, 2014



We all know that obesity is an epidemic in our country and around the world.  We all know that it causes so many illnesses and causes so many deaths.  We aren't just talking about adults here!  We are talking about children!  Our future!

When my best friend was fighting cancer, they told her family that she had cirrhosis of the liver.  They said, "How can that be?  She has never had a drink in her life.."   The dr. said, "it's because of the large amount of fat she carries."

If you want to know the truth, that scared me so badly.  When I found Skinny Fiber, it was a godsend.  I don't want to die of a stroke, a heart attack, diabetes, or cirrhosis.  I want to be healthy.  I want to live to see my grandchildren be born and become adults.  I want to live decades after I retire.

If you are battling this war with fat, please, please, choose to live healthy.  You deserve to have a life that is full of life!  I have told everyone, this is my last weight loss journey.  I have promised myself that I am going to get there no matter how long it takes.

Come join me.  Life is not just about food and eating.  It is about being healthy and living! 

Join me in being healthy and living life.

Copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Thursday, June 5, 2014



Maybe it does for some, but for most of us, we have to choose and make a concerted effort to be positive! But we can do it! You just get up in the morning and said aloud, "Today I will be positive".
Now I'll tell you, it doesnt' change instantly. Like all good things, it takes time. I know! It doesn't seem right that negative things that root immediately and positive things that time. But that is the way it works. Once you start doing this everyday, you will find that the positive days far outnumber the negative days.
Try it. What do you have to lose other than bad days.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Wednesday, June 4, 2014



As you lay your head down tonight to go to sleep, do this.  Close your eyes and one by one think of the blessings in your life.  No problems, no stresses, no worries.  Just blessings. 

You will begin to feel a deep peace and such a sense of gratefulness.  When you fall asleep you will have cushioned yourself with gratitude.  And with gratitude comes more blessings.  

When you forget to be grateful, you block your blessings.  Open up your heart to having an attitude of gratitude and just watch the showers of blessings that come into your life.

You will be amazed.  I am - everyday.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Tuesday, June 3, 2014



I admit it.  I’m a hugger. 

I didn’t grow up in a warm fuzzy family.  My parents didn’t hug us.  After Ashlie and Cody arrived I became more of a hugger but mainly with them and their dad.  When you haven’t been hugged as a child I think it is out of your comfort zone to hug. 

I guess about a decade ago I decided to start hugging.  I’ll admit in the beginning it was difficult.  Way out of my comfort zone.  Think about it…you are putting your arms around another person (maybe someone you don’t even know) and pulling them into your own body.  It was scary.  I started with just my friends.  Over the years I have learned to hug anywhere and any time.

I hug my kids, my friends, my customers, anyone who comes to my house gets a hug.  I have hugged people in the waiting room at the dr.’s office.  I have hugged office personnel.  I have hugged my pharmacist and pharmacists assistant.  What I have found is that by hugging I am allowing myself to give unconditional love and receive unconditional love.

Sometimes the person you give a hug to really needs that hug.  Once when Marisela and I weren’t as close as we are now, her hug brought me through a very dark time.  I was sitting in Walgreens waiting to see the nurse.  I was so sick.  I was sitting there with tears streaming down my face as I thought, “I am so alone.  I’m just all by myself.”  And then Marisela appeared.  She knew something was wrong and she hugged me.  She told me later that she rarely went to Walgreens.  Coincidence?  I don’t believe in them.  That hug really cemented our friendship and it got me through that dark time.

If you aren’t a hugger, try it.  I know it might feel awkward and uncomfortable in the beginning.  But the more you give love, the more you get love.  And if you are a hugger, well, you know all this already. 

Brighten your day and someone else’s.  Hug someone today.  You will feel the love.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Monday, June 2, 2014



My kids are spoiled.  Yep, I admit it.  I don't really care what anyone thinks about it.  They are my kids.  I'm fortunate that I make a good living.  That does make it easier when money can take care of something.

My kids both work.  Ashlie is totally self-sufficient but there are times that she does need help.  My philosophy is:  if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, then I will help you.  Now sometimes, I just can't but for the most part I think I'm there.  She has definitely found her path and is marching through.

Cody works too and he is on the path to self-sufficiency.  He lives with me but he has to pay rent.  Why?  Because in the real world everyone has to pay rent.   He is also required (since he had to move back in with me) to give me all of his paycheck and then I give him money for food, bus, etc.  Before he moves out, he will have two month’s rent, deposit, transportation and money in savings.  The last few months he will have to show me that he can take care of his finances.

I wish I had been taught some of these lessons when I was in my 20's.  It would have made my life so much easier.  I want them to be spared from the mistakes of being young if I can.  I tell them often, I'm not smarter than you; I have just lived longer.

I make them Easter baskets and Christmas stockings. I buy them souvenirs everywhere I go.  If they are in a bind, I'm going to be there.  If they need my help, they know they can call me.  If I can help, I will.  If they need to talk, I'll listen and try my best not to give unsolicited advice.

No matter how angry we get with each other (flashback teenage years), or how much we dislike each other at the moment, I want them to know this one thing to the core of their being:

I am their mother.  Even if I don't particularly like them at a particular time, I will always love them forever and a day.  I want them to always, always know that no matter what, I'm just a phone call away.  And if you have or had that with your mom, you are blessed.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Sunday, June 1, 2014



I have been a reader since I was about 10.  I remember my grandmother giving me these tiny leather books.  She said I could have each one I read.  I read them all.  In the 5th grade I read all the Bobsy Twins books.  I guess that is when I started liking mysteries. 

Through the years I have read.  Sometimes more and sometimes less.  I used to tell my kids, “If you love to read, you will never be lonely.”  When they were growing up I bought magazines for them and put them in the bathroom.  There isn’t a lot you can do in the bathroom, you know.  But if you have something to read, well, it just helps pass the time.  J   I didn’t care what they read in there, as long as they were reading.

Cody had problems learning to read; Ashlie was reading before she was 4.   I remember when Cody was in the 4th grade he was getting help for his reading.   I decided to buy him a Harry Potter book.  He got hooked.  He’s now 21 and is a voracious reader.  Ashlie was never that interested in reading outside the bathroom but she did read those magazines.  At 22 she also is a reader.  I’m so glad I planted those seeds of reading. 

I have been lax about my reading the past few years.  I could give you lots of reasons but you know it all comes down to laziness.  I chose to do something else.  I decided I would start reading again.  I do love the solitude of reading.  I love how the characters get flushed out.  When I read, I almost always here the author’s voice.  When I find an author enjoy I read every book they write.

Right now I’m reading Dani Johnson’s First Steps to Wealth.   I think informational books on how to better your life are essential.   Probably my favorite fiction writer is James Patterson.   I hadn’t read one of his books in a couple of years so I bought ALEX CROSS RUN.  I love his writing, his story lines and I love that he starts every chapter on a new page and he writes short chapters.  You can read a couple of chapters in 10-15 minutes.  I got into it immediately.  I know it will get me back into my regular reading.

And you know where it is kept?  Yep, it’s in my bathroom!