Tuesday, June 3, 2014



I admit it.  I’m a hugger. 

I didn’t grow up in a warm fuzzy family.  My parents didn’t hug us.  After Ashlie and Cody arrived I became more of a hugger but mainly with them and their dad.  When you haven’t been hugged as a child I think it is out of your comfort zone to hug. 

I guess about a decade ago I decided to start hugging.  I’ll admit in the beginning it was difficult.  Way out of my comfort zone.  Think about it…you are putting your arms around another person (maybe someone you don’t even know) and pulling them into your own body.  It was scary.  I started with just my friends.  Over the years I have learned to hug anywhere and any time.

I hug my kids, my friends, my customers, anyone who comes to my house gets a hug.  I have hugged people in the waiting room at the dr.’s office.  I have hugged office personnel.  I have hugged my pharmacist and pharmacists assistant.  What I have found is that by hugging I am allowing myself to give unconditional love and receive unconditional love.

Sometimes the person you give a hug to really needs that hug.  Once when Marisela and I weren’t as close as we are now, her hug brought me through a very dark time.  I was sitting in Walgreens waiting to see the nurse.  I was so sick.  I was sitting there with tears streaming down my face as I thought, “I am so alone.  I’m just all by myself.”  And then Marisela appeared.  She knew something was wrong and she hugged me.  She told me later that she rarely went to Walgreens.  Coincidence?  I don’t believe in them.  That hug really cemented our friendship and it got me through that dark time.

If you aren’t a hugger, try it.  I know it might feel awkward and uncomfortable in the beginning.  But the more you give love, the more you get love.  And if you are a hugger, well, you know all this already. 

Brighten your day and someone else’s.  Hug someone today.  You will feel the love.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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