Friday, June 27, 2014



When I joined AOL back in ’97 or ’98, I had to come up with a screen name that no one else was using.  I decided on my first name and part of my last name:  caryncann.  A friend and I were chatting on the phone one day and he said, “I think the screen name a person chooses says a lot about them.”  I had never thought about it but ever since I have paid more attention to a person’s user name, even in email accounts.

Caryncann.  What does this say about me?  I think it sums me up.  As my friend Mark said to me once, “Caryn cann and does do whatever she wants.”  I’m not sure how true it was 15 years ago but it certainly describes me now.

I know I can do whatever I want in my life.  If I decide to focus on anything, I know I will be successful at it.  There is no one standing in my way achieving my dreams and goals but me!  When I look back over the past year, I am able to see my accomplishments.  Here are just a few:
1.      Losing 50 pounds, slowly and consistently
2.      Learning to eat healthier
3.      Traveling alone and loving it
4.      Taking chances that I never considered taking before
5.      Deciding to start jogging
6.      Choosing  to wear clothes that in the past I would have avoided
7.      Dancing like no one is watching
8.      Making videos of myself (THIS IS A BIG DEAL!)
9.      Taking lots of pictures of myself and letting others take pictures of me.  I used to tell people that having pictures taken of me was against my religion to avoid the embarrassment.
10.   Building a business that will provide me financial independence.
Look at your user name or email address you use most often.  What does it say about you?
Over the years I have branded myself as caryncann.  I use it for almost everything.  I am the embodiment of caryncann.  Although I came up with that user name without much thought, it has come to symbolize who I am. 
What is your user/email name and how does it define you?  It does make a difference

caryn cannatella

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