Friday, June 6, 2014



We all know that obesity is an epidemic in our country and around the world.  We all know that it causes so many illnesses and causes so many deaths.  We aren't just talking about adults here!  We are talking about children!  Our future!

When my best friend was fighting cancer, they told her family that she had cirrhosis of the liver.  They said, "How can that be?  She has never had a drink in her life.."   The dr. said, "it's because of the large amount of fat she carries."

If you want to know the truth, that scared me so badly.  When I found Skinny Fiber, it was a godsend.  I don't want to die of a stroke, a heart attack, diabetes, or cirrhosis.  I want to be healthy.  I want to live to see my grandchildren be born and become adults.  I want to live decades after I retire.

If you are battling this war with fat, please, please, choose to live healthy.  You deserve to have a life that is full of life!  I have told everyone, this is my last weight loss journey.  I have promised myself that I am going to get there no matter how long it takes.

Come join me.  Life is not just about food and eating.  It is about being healthy and living! 

Join me in being healthy and living life.

Copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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