Saturday, June 7, 2014



Right at 39% of American adults are obese.  For American children the rate is 33%!     We've known for years that adults are getting fatter in our country.  But our children??   Do we continue to just eat ourselves to death?

What kind of adult life will our children have if they start out in their 20's already obese?  Can you imagine how sad, difficult and yes, miserable their lives will be while trying to build a future?

I can tell you!  I know from experience!  I lived that life as a young adult, adult and even as a senior!  It is not a great way to live!  Whether you want to admit it or not, you get judged by your size.  Even diet doctors just you.  Strangers will walk up to you in a store and say, "You don't need to be eating that!"  or they will come up to you in a clothing store and say "We don't have anything for you in here!" 

Yep, people are cruel.  And if you are obese, they are more cruel.  If you are obese or overweight or fat, fluffy or whatever makes you feel more comfortable, you should be setting the example for your children.  And what should you be doing for your children who are overweight?  Look into their sad eyes and think about how sad those eyes will be when they become an adult.

When I see a very obese child I just want to run up to them and hug them.  I want to tell them that there is another way!  I want to save them from years of heartache and illnesses. 

If you have children in your life, YOU can help them.

1.  Set an example for them.
2.  Eat real food and take the processed food out of your (and their) diet.
3.  Get moving!  It doesn't have to be a marathon!  Just move!

Let's take on obesity!  Wouldn't our money be better spent on a war on obesity than a war on so many other things?  Let's start with ourselves and then help others to become healthy.

If we don't take care of our bodies, we will die.  It's just that simple.  When I realized that I AM WORTH IT I began to lose weight.  Skinny Fiber has been a great tool for me but it isn't a magic pill. 

Decide today to lose weight and get healthy!  YOU CAN DO IT!

If you need help, order Skinny Fiber and join my journey.

copyrighted 2014
caryn Cannatella

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