Wednesday, June 11, 2014



That’s right.  If you are ready to get healthy, nothing, AND I MEAN NOTHING, will get in your way.  Sure you will have set-backs.  Sure you will falter.  But if you get back up and journey on, you will reach your goal.

What I have seen with others and myself is that we look at others achieving their goals with regards to losing weight and getting healthy.  Here are some of the comments I have said or I have heard others say on why they aren’t getting healthy when others are.
1. She’s a lot younger than me.
2. I’m on thyroid medicine.  It’s almost impossible for me to lose weight.
3. I have children at home; her kids are grown.
4. I have to cook for my family.  They won’t eat what is on my food plan.
5. I don’t like to drink water.
6.   It hurts my knees (feet, arms, toes, head, joints, etc) to exercise.
7. I don’t have time to exercise.
8. I know Skinny Fiber works for you, but I just forget to take those darn capsules twice a day.
9. If I had a cook and personal trainer, I could get healthy too.
10. I just like to eat too much to get healthy.

You know what these are called?  Excuses.  That’s right. They are just excuses.  Sometimes you just aren’t ready to lose weight.  You can say the words, “I wish I was smaller” or “I wish I could lose weight”.  YOU CAN!  But until you are ready and decide this is what you are going to do, it won’t work.  I know.  I lived it for 53 years.
Several things changed my mind and got me ready to face this challenge head on.  One of my best friends died last year at the age of 63.  Just a baby, she was.  She was severely overweight for the 30+ years I knew her.  She finally started losing weight when she began dying.  It broke my heart.  My children are only in their 20’s.  Neither is married yet or has children.  I want to be around when they get married and make me a grandmother.  I want to be able to travel without asking for an extender belt (I reached this goal Aug 2013!).  I want to be able to sightsee when I travel without hating how awful I feel after walking a couple of blocks.  Last summer I found this amazing product, Skinny Fiber, which has been a great tool in my LAST weight loss journey!  Not magic.  Just a tool.  And finally, I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

It has taken me a year of losing weight to get to the point that I could and even wanted to start moving.  And now that I have, I remember that exhilarating feeling I experienced 14 years ago when I was exercising.

Here is my advice to you.  No one can convince you to start getting healthy.  That is something only you can decide.  If you want to start out with simple things, try these two things.  It will get you started.  If you cut out 100 calories a day (that’s one soda a day), you will lose 10 pounds in a year.   Anytime you have to park your car, put it twice as far away as you normally do.  Those two things will help you start getting healthy…if you want to.  The decision is yours.

I’ve been wherever you are.  In 2012 I weighed 317 pounds.   I now weight 237.  I have 53 more pounds to go.  I’ve done so much damage to my body trying to become “normal” instead of trying to be healthy:  every diet out there, hypnosis, starvation, exercising 5-6 hours a day, bariatric surgery, all kinds of diet pills, and on and on.  The truth is, to get healthy is long term project; a work in progress.  It is not a quick fix.  You have to eat right the majority of the time and you have to move.

Are you ready to get healthy?  If that is your goal, then you will do it.  Let nothing stand in your way.  NOTHING.  If you falter, get back up.  Start anew.  If you are moving forward you are making progress.   When you are ready, and you need help, someone to talk to, or someone just to listen, shoot me a message @  I’ll be here for you.

copyright 2014
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber available here:

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