Tuesday, June 24, 2014



Yes, today it has been 1 year since I started losing weight with Skinny Fiber.
I was just so miserable when I started.  I was close to 300 pounds.  I couldn’t move very easily and when I did, I would hurt for hours afterwards.  I had already declared in January of 2013 I was done with dieting and would just die fat.  My self-esteem was in the toilet and I had little of the confidence I once exuded.  And then I saw something online about Skinny Fiber.

I thought, ok, I’ll try it for a month but I’m not changing what I eat.  I knew and expected that I would be sending it back for my refund within 30 days.   So that first 30 days I changed nothing about my eating.  I took Skinny Fiber, drank about 150 ounces of water a day.  What I found was that I didn’t crave the same things I had been and I was eating less.  I lost 10 pounds the first month. 

Within 3 days of starting I had given up my 50 year old habit of diet sodas.  I would drink 6-10 cans a day of it.  No withdrawals at all!   In 3 weeks I was off two blood pressure medications.  When I started my blood pressure was 160/90 (with meds).   I stopped taking them when it reached 90/45.  After my second month I decided to eat low carb and high protein because I’m a diabetic.  It has done wonders for my blood sugar.  By the end of the year I plan to be off those meds too.  And even my thyroid medication has been decreased.

I did absolutely no exercise for 11 months and lost 50 pounds.  I still weighed close to 240 even after losing 50 pounds.  The first of June I started jogging.  I started at ½ mile.  In a week I was at 1 mile.  This week I will increase to 1.1 mile.  Now I am working on reducing my time.  Every week I will increase .1 mile.   I even started doing squats last week!  I’m not great at the yet but I will be!  I can feel my from thigh muscles contracting every time I do one!

This is the first time in my 53 years of being obese that I have stayed with a weight loss plan for a year!  THE VERY FIRST TIME!   I have never considered quitting not once.  From the beginning I have called this my last weight loss journey.  And it is.

And on those days when I just want to stuff my face because of some issue that is confronting me, you know what I do?  I look at the issue and figure out what it is about.   And when my mind tries to convince me not to jog, I ignore those thoughts and sometimes I just tell them to shut up!  When I’m jogging and out of breath, I don’t think about what people will think seeing me jog.  I just repeat out loud over and over.  YOU CAN DO THIS!   YOU CAN DO THIS!
This is what I want everyone who reads my blog, my Facebook, my Twitter, my Pinterest Page, my Fan Page ,  my Weight Loss Support group, or who sees me on the street, sees me at the grocery store, at the mall, etc. :

I am 61 years old.  I have lived my life waiting for something magical to happen to release this tiny person who has lived inside me all my life.  And I finally found it.  The magic is ME!   Skinny Fiber is not magical.  It is a tool, just like exercise and Fitbit.   I am the magic.  I always had the magic.  It was always inside me.  I just didn’t believe it.  Now I know the truth and I want to help as many people as I can realize it, find it and experience it.

YOU ARE THE MAGIC!  You, and you alone can become the tiny healthy person that lives inside your body that has been covered by layers and layers of fat.  As those layers come off, slowly but surely the real you will emerge.  It won’t be in a week or a month.  It might take a couple of years.  So what?  That just gives you time to become accustomed to the beautiful you that is emerging from that cocoon of fat.  By the time you complete your journey, your wings will be strong and you will soar to heights you only dreamed up.

Grab hold and believe that the Magic is YOU.  I’m here to help you any way I can.  You can do this!  I’m living proof!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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