Sunday, June 1, 2014



I have been a reader since I was about 10.  I remember my grandmother giving me these tiny leather books.  She said I could have each one I read.  I read them all.  In the 5th grade I read all the Bobsy Twins books.  I guess that is when I started liking mysteries. 

Through the years I have read.  Sometimes more and sometimes less.  I used to tell my kids, “If you love to read, you will never be lonely.”  When they were growing up I bought magazines for them and put them in the bathroom.  There isn’t a lot you can do in the bathroom, you know.  But if you have something to read, well, it just helps pass the time.  J   I didn’t care what they read in there, as long as they were reading.

Cody had problems learning to read; Ashlie was reading before she was 4.   I remember when Cody was in the 4th grade he was getting help for his reading.   I decided to buy him a Harry Potter book.  He got hooked.  He’s now 21 and is a voracious reader.  Ashlie was never that interested in reading outside the bathroom but she did read those magazines.  At 22 she also is a reader.  I’m so glad I planted those seeds of reading. 

I have been lax about my reading the past few years.  I could give you lots of reasons but you know it all comes down to laziness.  I chose to do something else.  I decided I would start reading again.  I do love the solitude of reading.  I love how the characters get flushed out.  When I read, I almost always here the author’s voice.  When I find an author enjoy I read every book they write.

Right now I’m reading Dani Johnson’s First Steps to Wealth.   I think informational books on how to better your life are essential.   Probably my favorite fiction writer is James Patterson.   I hadn’t read one of his books in a couple of years so I bought ALEX CROSS RUN.  I love his writing, his story lines and I love that he starts every chapter on a new page and he writes short chapters.  You can read a couple of chapters in 10-15 minutes.  I got into it immediately.  I know it will get me back into my regular reading.

And you know where it is kept?  Yep, it’s in my bathroom!  

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