Monday, June 16, 2014



So much can change in a year.  This time last year I was still out of my house during the never-ending remodel.  I weighed almost 300 pounds.  I couldn’t walk more than a block without my hips locking up and causing me severe pain.  I was on two blood pressure medications and my bp was still 160/90.  I was taking 2 meds for diabetes and my blood sugar was still around 280 in the morning.  I was on thyroid, arthritis and acid reflux medicine.   My self-esteem was shot.  I had little to no confidence.  In fact, I think I became the girl I was in high school.  I hoped no one would notice me.  I just wanted to be invisible.

What a difference a year makes!  I’ve lost 50 pounds and I’m getting healthy!  The only meds I am now on are thyroid, which has been reduced, and diabetic, which my dr. plans to start weaning from those later this year.  My self-esteem is returning and my confidence has grown by leaps and bounds.  I have dreams that I know are going to become reality.

Yes, I still have 50+ pounds to go but I am really and truly getting healthy!  Who would have ever believed that a 61 year old woman who weighs 237 pounds could start jogging and be jogging 1 mile after just a week?  Well, here I am!  Now, I don’t plan to ever run a marathon, but who knows?  I might go for a ½ marathon someday.  My goal right now is stay consistent and add slowly.  By the end of the year I will be jogging 4-5 miles.    It is amazing to say it aloud and know that I not only can do but I will do it! 

If you are reading this and think you can’t lose weight or exercise, I’m here to tell you that you can!  Whatever your age, whatever your health, whatever your size, there is some kind of exercise you can do.  You just have to figure it out, start slow and keep at it.  Within a week of exercising, you will begin to feel positive results.

I hope I can be a beacon to those who were like me a year ago.  I saw some beacons back then that inspired me.  I found Skinny Fiber which has helped me to lose weight without any exercise.  BUT, now that the 50 pounds has come off, I’m in much better condition to start exercising.  Moving helps us become healthier.

Today if you are hating your body, tired of being sick and tired, know that there is an answer.  The answer is the person who looks back at you from the mirror.   YOU are the person who can change your body.  Just decide to do one thing each day to help you get healthier.  Could be drinking more water or cutting out sodas.  It could be parking further away from the store you are going to.   Just one thing each day can change your life.  I know.  I’m living proof.

And if you need someone to support you, send me an email @  If you want to try Skinny Fiber, a plant based weight loss supplement, that has changed my life, order here @

Do it for yourself.  You are worthy and you deserve it!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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