Tuesday, July 8, 2014



Dear Fat -

You have been my best friend and enemy for 53 years.  You have held me in a prison I thought I could never escape and at the same time made me feel safe.  You tried to ruin my looks so no one would even want to see me.  I felt invisible.  You tried to destroy my heath and make me sick and weak.

I have finally gained the courage to stand up to you and say NO MORE!  You are not more powerful than I am.  You can't control my life.  I choose to break the chains you have put on me and take my life back!

I am in control now.  I decide what I eat and how much.  I ignore your whining when I exercise.  I don't believe you anymore when you tell me I'm worthless, no good and no one loves me or even likes me.  I know they are all lies.

My bondage to you is over and I am free!  Yes, you were there when I felt like no one else was.  Just like food.   I thought the two of you were my friends.   I was wrong.  The fog has cleared and I know the truth.  I know now that I am strong, worthy, an over-comer and a CHAMPION!

Good bye, Fat.  I don't need you anymore.


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