Saturday, July 19, 2014



Sometimes I just lie in bed and think about my life. Now, I'll admit I have had some crappy years out of my 61 years. Some worse than others. In 2003 I was alone, totally alone, except for my children. I thought my life was a mess I'd never get straightened out.
You know what happened? I decided to declare daily how much I was blessed and write down daily what I was grateful for. In the beginning I wasn't able to see all my blessings as clearly as I do now. Some days it was just "I'm grateful for my job (which I hated)." "I'm grateful for my home (hated it too)." "I'm grateful for my children (none of us liked each other much back then)." "I'm grateful for my car."
But you know what I happened? I started being able to name many things that I was grateful for. During those next 4 or 5 years I became grateful for everything. And the more grateful I became, the more blessed I was.
I no longer think about the times in my life that were hard, that I was mistreated, that I was abused. I just look at my life as a whole. I have so little stress in my life. Every day I remind myself of my many blessings.
I now have a family that includes my best friend and all her family (those Diaz's are the best). I have a best friend who shares my home. My son, Cody, is doing well in his job and is making great progress financially. My daughter, Ashlie, has been at her job a year and a half, planning to attend college and is in love with a great man. And her boyfriend, Daniel, has now become family. I still consider my ex to be a part of our family.
If you want to live a life that is pretty much stress free, be grateful for what you have, no matter how little or much it is. And then declare daily how blessed you are. I guarantee you that if you do those two things, you will see an amazing change in your life. I know. I have lived it!
Be grateful and be blessed! It's yours for the taking.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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