Wednesday, July 30, 2014



I’ve been jogging for almost 6 weeks.  Last night I jogged 2.5 miles.  It was harder but oh what a great feeling!

Next week I am heading to Las Vegas for a Skinny Fiber Event.  A group of us are going to get together for a jog/run/walk.  I’m very excited about joining my friends and Skinny Fiber family to do this run.  I know that I couldn’t have done this at the last event which was in May!  You’ve come a long way, Baby!

So here is the problem.  Ever since it was announced that there would be a gathering of us to jog/walk/run, I’ve been having doubts.   Here are some of the thoughts that keep going through my mind:
1.      What makes you think you can do a jog with people who are in shape and don’t weigh as much as you do?
2.      You aren’t a runner!  You jog as slow as people walk!  You’re not even a jogger!
3.      What if you can’t finish it?
4.      Everyone will think you have been lying.
5.      People will make fun of you.
6.      Everyone will talk about you behind your back
Every day I battle these thoughts.  It especially happens when I am out jogging.  I talk back.  “I am jogging 5 days a week!”  “I am increasing my distance every week.”  “I can finish this  jog.  If I can’t finish it jogging, I’ll finish it walking.” 

Still the doubts stalk me.  I know it isn’t reality.  I know it’s just that voice in my head that has convinced me all my life that I couldn’t do things.  Many times it convinced me that while I might be doing something, I could never complete it.  That I would quit.  That I’m a quitter.

Well, not this time!  I’m not going to let a baseless fear keep me from joining my friends on this outing!  I’ll jog and do my best.  That will be enough.  I’ve let the negative voice in my head keep me from attempting things I wanted to achieve all my life.  It has also kept me from achieving my goals by telling me I was a quitter.

I’m on a different path now.  I know what I can do!  I know that I am the only one who can decide to set a goal, work at that goal and achieve that goal.  I am seeing it daily in different areas of my life.  Every day I remind myself:  YOU ARE AN ATHLETE!  “YOU ARE A WINNER! And I am! 

And if I can do it, anyone can!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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