Sunday, July 13, 2014



By the time you are 65, you have lost ½ of your muscle mass if you haven’t been exercising.  HALF!  Can you afford to lose that?  I’m behind the 8 ball and trying to make up for lost time!  Sometimes it is hard.  I mean really hard.  But I remind myself often, YOU CAN DO THIS!  YOU HAVE TO DO THIS!  KEEP GOING!

There was a time when I would not go walking or do any kind of exercise where other people might see me.  I thought they would make fun of me.

I can honestly say that when I'm out jogging, I never think about that.  All I think about is completing my route and how long I need to walk to reach my daily goals.  I see people out and about.  Cars drive by.  I'm just oblivious to them.  I am just focused on moving my body and hitting my goals. 

Last night my thighs were so sore from all the squats.  Plus we started our jog at 7.  It's still very hot at 7.  After I finished jogging, I added almost another mile of walking.  I was beat when I got home.  I didn't even want to eat but I'd only eaten about 800 calories for the day.  I decided to go to with the half of chicken salad Ashlie had brought over.  I slept about 8 hours.  I'm still tired.  But I don't focus on that.  I just think, tonight we will be jogging again.  My body is getting so much stronger!  This morning my blood pressure was 113 over 62!   Amazing!   

Commit to move your body every day.  Start where you are.  Don’t compare yourself to others.  Your journey is not their journey and theirs is not yours. 

Accept yourself where you are.  Make a small change each day.  You don’t have to run a marathon.  You just have to move a little more each day.  Are you up for the challenge?

Will you be building muscle or be a piece of fat by the time you are 65.  The choices is yours.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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