Thursday, July 24, 2014



Every time I watch a video I make, I marvel at the difference in my face.  Last night I watched my video several times.  My face seems lighter and not as drawn.  I am smiling a lot more.  I actually look happy instead of unhappy.  Happiness shows in my face more and more.

I wondered....what would I say if a child came up and said, "Why are you so happy, Caryn?"

This is what I would say:

I never thought I could ever really lose weight & get healthy.  Here I am at 61, losing weight now for over a year and still getting smaller.  And what makes me even happier is that I am jogging and really getting fit.  I owe it all to Skinny Fiber.  Sometimes I think, "what if I hadn't taken one more chance to find a product like Skinny Fiber?"  Sadly, I know.  I would still weight almost 300 pounds, unable to walk more than about a block, be unhappy with my life and myself.

For less than what I spent on 2 Diet Dr. Peppers a day (I drank 6 or more), I was able to purchase Skinny Fiber and start my last weight loss journey and save more than $6 bucks a day! 

I have found my authentic self, as Oprah would say.  Every day brings me more good things to celebrate about myself, like health, self-esteem, confidence, and weight loss.  This journey I started with Skinny Fiber has enabled me to believe in all the possibilities that are out there for me.

You can have all this too.  It just takes making a decision that this time it just might work.  If you are tired of being overweight and unhealthy, then why don't you give it a try?  Where could you be in a year?  You'll never know if you don't try.  Give Skinny Fiber a chance.  I'm so glad I did.  It has changed my life.

Choose to live a healthy life.  Order your Skinny Fiber & start losing weight with me.  I'll be here with you on your journey.  Click here and change your life.  

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber Sales:

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