Thursday, July 3, 2014



I did not sleep well last night. My fibromyalgia in my right leg flared up. It's the first episode I've had since last summer. The pain finally subsided about the time I got up.

I decided I'll just jog 1.3 miles this week. Can you believe that in 2 more weeks I'll be jogging 1.5 miles? I'm just amazed! And today I'll be doing 75 reps on my squat challenge. I can't tell you how thrilled and proud I am. 

I never thought I could jog or do squats. Until I started using Skinny Fiber, I never thought I could lose the weight and be a "normal" size. I tell people all the time, "I'm changing from the inside out". I really mean that.

My mind is changing. My thoughts are changing. My emotions are changing. My attitude towards everything is changing. My self-esteem is changing. My confidence is changing. My outlook on life is changing.

I am being transformed. While my body is changing so am I. I wish I could bottle what I have learned in this last year and give it away. There is nothing magical about losing weight. If you keep looking for it outside, you will always keep looking. The magic is YOU. YOU are the magic to losing weight and getting healthy. 

One of the tools I use is Skinny Fiber. It has worked great for me and I will take it until I die. But it is just a tool. It is not magic. After taking it a year and dropping 50 pounds, it has allowed me to see where my magic is. I have found it inside and that is what I have needed to do for the last 53 years. 

Look inside and find your magic. It's there just waiting for you to activate it. Don't wait 53 years like I did.

If you want a great tool for losing weight, do what I and thousands of others have done. Order Skinny Fiber here: and start finding that magic in YOU.

copyrighted 2014

caryn cannatella

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