Sunday, July 6, 2014



Last night I was lying on the couch watching movies.  My best friend, Marisela, was lying on the love seat.  I raised my left let up straight and I was amazed!  The outer side of my thigh was tight and I could feel the muscles!  But even more amazing than that was that I could see my thigh bone!  I don’t remember ever seeing my thigh bone in my entire life!

When I was looking at it I could actually see how small my thighs are going to be!  Throughout this last weight loss journey with Skinny Fiber, I am seeing things in my body that I didn’t even know were there.  My calves are actually starting to look like the calves of someone who really does jog! 

Another thing that I found this weekend was my shoulder joint.  At first I thought it was a growth or something.  I was telling Marisela about it and how I thought it might be a tumor, until I felt it on the other shoulder too.  She laughed out loud. 

When your body has been covered by layers and layers of fat for many decades, it is a strange and wondrous things to be able to feel your own bones.  Most people cannot see it yet but I am a very tiny person.  And that tiny person has been wanting to get out of this prison for years.  She is going to make it this time!  Just you wait and see!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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