Monday, July 28, 2014



I hear many people say, “I’m going on vacation so I’m not going to take Skinny Fiber while I’m gone.”  This just confuses me.  Why would you stop taking it because you are going on vacation or to a party?  When you are using Skinny Fiber, you don’t have to diet.  There are no forbidden foods.  You can eat anything you like.  It will just aid you in refraining from overeating.

Anyone who has ever been on a cruise or talked to anyone who has been on a cruise knows that there is any kind of food you want 24 hours a day.  When I was on my cruise I took my Skinny Fiber just like a have done for the past year.  Two capsules twice a day.  I ate the most scrumptious things.  Tried dishes I had never tasted before.  And you know what happened?  I lost 6 pounds while I was cruising!

Why do we associate vacationing or partying with a license to stuff our faces to the point of misery?  Some of us (me included) have and do just eat without even realizing we are.  It’s not because we are hungry.  It’s not because we want it.  Sometimes we eat when we don’t even like the way it tastes.  I have come to the conclusion that for many of us, eating is not about filling our stomachs.  It is about filling that void, that black hole that never gets filled.  And food doesn’t fill it either.

If you decide to give Skinny Fiber a chance, please do this for me.  For 90 days, commit with everything you have to do these three things:
1.       Take two capsules of Skinny Fiber twice a day about an hour before you eat with 16 ounces of water.  Without fail.  Everyday.
2.      Drink half your body weight in water.  If you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces.  If you don’t do this, IT WILL NOT WORK.  If you drink 4 glasses of water a day, yes, your tummy will work.
3.      Eat until you get that feeling of “Yes, I’m starting to feel full.”  You aren’t looking for that feeling of “I’m so stuffed I feel like a sea lion laying on the beach!”
If you do these 3 things consistently for 90 days, you will have great results.  If you don’t do them, then you won’t.  It really is that simple.  The decision is yours!

I’m 61, had health issues and it worked for me.  It’s worked for 10’s of thousands.  It will work for you if you follow these 3 steps.  And if you want to amp it up, add exercise to it.

Ask yourself this:  Do I want to lose weight enough to do these 3 things?  Make that decision and then get on the winning team with the rest of us Skinny Fiber SUCCESS STORIES!  I’ll be with you every step of the way!

Click here & order yours.

copyright 2014

caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:  www.caryncann.con

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