Sunday, July 20, 2014



Today I heard a woman who had lost a lot of weight say the following.  “Your children (or grandchildren) don’t want you to be able to take them somewhere to play.  They want you to play with them.” And “Your husband/wife (or significant other) doesn’t want you to take care of him/her.  They want you to take care of yourself.”

When I heard her say this, it made me cry.  I did this so much when my kids were little.  I was great at taking them places to play but I couldn’t play with them.  One of my son’s fondest memories is the summer he, Ashlie and I got up every morning and went bike riding.  I wish I had been able to do this more.

And what about that significant other or spouse?  Well, I did have a pretty face.  Wasn’t that enough?  Did it matter that I was hidden under layers and layers of fat?  I did take care of him but could I dance with him?  Could I walk around The Strand with him?  Did I even have the energy to get out and do things with him?  I didn’t.  I dreaded anytime we were going out to do something.  I would stay in the hotel room and he would take the kids out.  I figured they wouldn’t miss me and besides, I thought they were embarrassed to be seen with me.

So here I am all these years later.  I’m single and my kids are grown.  I can’t relive those years of inactivity and hiding in this suit of fat.  But I can choose to live differently.  I can choose to eat healthy.  I can choose to get up and exercise.  Is it easy?  Sometimes and it does get easier with time.  Is it difficult?  More often than I would like to admit.  Are there times I want to give up?  NEVER!  I might mess up on a particular day but the next morning I am back on track.  That is probably the biggest lesson I have learned.   You will only stay fat if you give up!  You might have a bad day but it is just one day!  When you get back on track, you feel back in control.  And you know that you are doing it.  You are getting healthy.

I will say the impetus for all of my changes this past year began with a weight loss supplement made from plants called Skinny Fiber.  Yeah, big deal.  That’s what I thought.  How many diet pills, supplements, diets, experimental drugs, hypnosis, starvation and stomach stapling had I tried over 53 years?  I tried ‘em all.  This time I decided I would just follow the instructions of Skinny Fiber.  Didn’t change my diet that first month.  Just took two capsules twice daily with 16 oz  of water, drank half my weight in ounces (water) daily and stopped eating when I felt full.  And you know what happened?  I lost 10 pounds that first month.  That convinced me to keep on with the program.

At one year on my weight loss journey with Skinny Fiber, I decided to start exercising.  It’s been 5 weeks and I’m jogging over 1.5 miles a day and I’m currently doing a squat challenge.  I’m up to 140 a day!  How ‘bout that for a 61 year old woman who still weighs over 230 pounds!

My advice to anyone who has been living in a protective suit of fat, is to take a chance.  This suit that you think is somehow protecting you is actually killing you!  I know you want to live.  I did!  Decide that you are worth the effort to lose weight and become healthy.  There is no magical pill or drink.  Skinny Fiber is a great tool and I doubt I would have made it this far without it.  But the magic lies in you.  It’s there just waiting for you to tap it. 

And when you do, you will see your life transformed.  From the inside out and the outside in.  I know I’m worth the work.  I know you are too.  Just decide that you deserve to be smaller and healthier.  Just get up each morning and decide that just for today I’m going to eat healthy and move.  You will be amazed at your own transformation, inside and out.  I was a failure at it for 53 years and look at me now!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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