Thursday, July 17, 2014



Whenever I have been on an exercise quest, I was fine unless I missed a day.  If I missed a day I’d throw my hands up and say, “Well, I missed a day.  I’m done with exercising!”  And I would.

There was a time when I thought I was unique and the only person this happened to.  I realize now that I’m not alone and it is more common than I ever imagined. 

This is all part of that mindset that so many of us have in losing weight.  If we mess up on our food plan or don’t exercise one day or don’t get in all of our steps for the day, somewhere inside we decide that we have failed again and again, we lay down and give up!

I'm trying very hard to break this habit. If you miss a day of exercise or eat crap one day, the world will not end. However, don't take it as an opportunity to quit! It's not even a set back. You just wake up the next morning and re-focus.

I know so many people who are like I am, especially when it comes to "dieting" or exercising. We have to change our thoughts on those two things and on how we define failure. I know that failure only comes when you allow it. Begin anew each morning. Put yesterday behind you. You only fail if you refuse to get back up!

Don't let your mind convince you that you are a failure when you are not. Be determined and dedicated to getting back on track if you have a bad day.  That one choice and one decision will determine your success or failure.  Choose success!

Don’t let anything or anyone, INCLUDING YOU, keep you from achieving your goals of becoming healthy!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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