Saturday, April 25, 2015



We can learn a lot from babies!

We don't remember learning to walk.  Can you imagine just how hard that is for a baby?  First they have to actually pull themselves up to a standing position. 

Remember seeing a baby wobble back and forth while they hold on to the edge of the coffee table?  We watch as they fall.  We want to catch them but we don't unless they are going to be hurt.  Over and over they fall and get back up.

Once they master just standing up right, they start moving around that table.   They realize that they can move!  It's amazing to watch this happen.   Before you know it, they are ready for the next step.

Soon they are letting go and trying to take that first step without holding on.  I know we have all held our arms out for a baby to walk to us.  I don't know whose eyes are lit up more:  the baby's or our own! 

In a few short months, our baby has gone from rocking on their knees to standing, holding on to walk, letting go, walking and finally running!

Can you imagine if our babies decided after the first fall or two that they had failed and would never get up again?   Can you imagine your baby feeling like a failure who would never walk because they fell down a time or two?

Babies don't know failure.  We teach our children and ourselves failure.

Whatever your goal is at this particular time, view it like a baby.  Fun, exciting, keep trying.  Babies know they can learn to walk.  They see everyone around them walking.   Failure?  It isn't in their vocabulary or experience.

Look around you at the people doing or living the way you want to live.  Do you think their path has been any easier than the one you will have to travel?  Who cares how many times you fall?  Yes, sometimes, you will even get hurt.  Just like babies do.  

All it takes is getting back up and trying again.  You may need a rest.  You may need to think about a better way to try.  The most important thing to remember is:  YOU CAN NEVER FAIL IF YOU GET BACK UP!

At the end of the day, if you have gotten off track for your goals, put it to bed.  Remind yourself of all the things you did right for the day. 

Tomorrow is a new day.  A chance to start over.  Embrace it.  Every day is a new opportunity to focus and walk your path to your goal.  You are strong.  Be like that baby learning to walk.  They know only success!  Failure is not in their vocabulary.  Don't let it be a part of yours!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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