Sunday, April 5, 2015


Have you ever had a goal that was going to take months and months to accomplish?  That is how it is for me losing weight.  My goal from the beginning was at least 100 pounds.  I knew from the start that this was not going to happen in a few weeks or months.  Oh, sure, that’s how I have approached it in the past.   And that’s one of the reasons I always failed.

This time has been different.  It has been 20 months and I’m still on my weight loss journey.  I have never stayed on a weight loss journey 20 months.  Not even when I had my stomach stapled.  I would get tired, lazy, unmotivated, deprived, etc.  I think this is the first time that my mind has been in the right place to actually see weight loss as a very long term goal.  This time I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Oh, it is only a faint flicker in the distance but I see it!  And I know as the weeks go by that light will shine brighter encouraging me to keep going!

Do I have my struggles?  YES!  Do I sometimes want to quit?  YES!  Do I sometimes blow caution to the wind and just stuff my face?  YES!  But for only a day or two only.  Do I sometimes gain some weight?  YES!  Do I get frustrated?  YES! BUT!  I have not given up!  Not once!  I haven’t even considered it.  And that is a big difference this time for me.

What is different this time?  First, I have changed my mindset.  I was and am ready to lose this weight and get healthy.  That is more important to me than stuffing my face day after day.   I have been able to track my progress over the months.  Being able to actually see my progress through pictures has helped me so much.  We don’t always notice the difference when we look in the mirror.  If you can compare two pictures, you will see the difference.   And most importantly, I have not given up!

I think something that helps so much is to approach losing weight as a lot of short term goals.  When you first start on a weight loss journey, it is so difficult.  That 25, 50, 100 pounds looks like a huge mountain you have to climb.  And the truth is, you usually don’t see a huge difference for about 3 months.  It can be overwhelming and depressing.

My goals for eating are short these days.  My attitude when I get up now is “Just for today.”   Just for today I will take my Skinny Fiber.  Just for today I will drink my water.  Just for today I will stick to my food plan.  Just for today I will move.  Just for today I will get 8 hours of sleep.

Just for today.  It’s a much easier goal to embrace and achieve than one 6 months, a year, two years down the road.  It’s doable.

So just for today I am doing what I need to do to accomplish my weight loss goal today.  And this day will turn into a week, a month, a year, and beyond.  I’m doing it.  You can too!  And in the near future, we will get to our destination.

copyright 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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