Wednesday, April 8, 2015



How many times have you heard:  Put the scale away?  There is a reason for it!

Let's take me for instance.  I completed my 9 day Food Cleanse.  I lost 8 pounds.  That’s 28,000 calories reduced in a week or 3111 calories a day.  Not possible.  Really.  I would have to have weighed over 400 pounds when I started and then eaten what was on the cleanse.   The first week is some fat, water and shock.  Yes, shock to my body!

I stated my 21 day Food plan on April 1st.  Yesterday I completed the first week.  This morning I thought, ok, let's see how I did.  I was down .2 of a pound.  I've had bowel movements that weighed more!  I've peed that much water during the night!  So WHAT IS THE PROBLEM, HOUSTON?

You know what the problem is? 


That's right!  There isn't a problem.  The scale reflects numbers.  That's it.  Just numbers. 

I know I am losing because my clothes are getting looser.  I know I am eating healthy and have cut out excess calories to lose weight.  The only thing I haven't added back in is walking 3-4 times a week.   Just a side note:  I've never lost a pound exercising but I have toned up my muscles!   The weight I didn’t lose this week, is actually the water weight lost that is now fat loss. 

So what's a girl to do?  Should I give up because I didn't even lose a pound this past week?  Should I go grab a box (or two) of 12 ice creams and gobble them down to show my body who is in charge?  Should I go out and eat at a Mexican restaurant and pack in 3500 calories or more?  Oh, I’ve tried both of those solutions. 

As my therapist used to tell me when I would come up with outrageous ideas, "That's always an option."

What I decided to do instead is put that darn scale away.   Again.  In the closet in the kitchen.  On a shelf.  In the very back.   A place I won't see it unless I am looking for it.

Am I disappointed that the scale did not reflect a greater loss?  Your darn tootin' I am!  Am I going to quit!  NEVER!

I'm going to keep eating just the way I have been for the past 16 days.  Eventually, the numbers will fall.   If I do my part, keep on my food plan and stay focused, then everything will come out in the wash, as we used to say in the country!

The scale only matters if you are in this for the short haul.  I'm not.  I'm in it until the end.  

This truly is my LAST weight loss journey.  If it takes another year or two or three, I'll eventually reach the finish line!  Nothing, and especially not the scale, is going to deter me!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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